Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Stage 011e of /he Quee11sld11d C11/tural Ce11tr e 111cludes lhe arl qallery ;111d ,1dmi11istr.:tion block. Culture centre ha been plain sailin •••v .;,.., . .. ..ii, but there's been no political bickering, no massive cost rises and no major strikes. !Ju 11111Il g of I 11,, B l/iwens land Cullurnl ~ IJK~ C'(•nll'c has bQcn ani:11.- n lngly quiet cumpared tn IIIUMP'l'ON si mila r m njor p1·0Jt.•<'h:i lik t.? ·a11b1•rra 's con – lrov~r tat High 'ourl hllllding and ', dncy':,; r)pcra House. On Lhc south bnnk 0 1 the Brlsbnnc H ivcr - just across from the clly's hcar·t - ll Is 1:01111: uccorctlng to µIan anrl Is rlghl 0 11 schurlulo. The Qu \cn:luml Ar t Gall •ry. the P r rorm ln • Art s Com pl c~. r· ~;.; laurant nnd a urlitorlmn will bt• open IH • ro r c lh e Com – monwealth Games in 1982. 500 Cars The ccntr•p Is one of lhe biggest huilrling pr n– j • ·ls u11 d1• r wav 111 ,I USLralla. Tht.• first stage rn – <'IUcling tht.? ·1r t gal lery, ud111 inlstra tio11 c·P nti·t~. ,1udltor·lum , rcst:tur:rnt IIVl'l'I00ki ng ttw rl\'f\r" anrl C'ill' park f1Jr ·100 t: .l I' :; IS 11 • t I' I 11 g compl••llOJl .f,lllut\J'Y II , 111~1 WHS Llw nrh;inul ,·ompll'lln11 clHl•-- . lhll lll,ilnlv htt cJ \\'Nlltl ,. Im :,; f) ll 0 l ' his h:u·k lO rllHl -,\f av. F'l 11 l.sh1111,:' work 1s In 11111 :iWln •. I II t 1• r rt I I I.\' . l h ... ~ ~n ll 1 .! l'i f's 1111 ,· ,, h"l' ll plastcn...rl. tl1t."' waffle •·cilin~ Is t1m1 ph.'l,• • ll1d ~t r ip.; nf it.'C'\Jl':ill\'IJ Jt,tl1a11 tr,l\'Prtl11c ha\'c ht·••n 111la1rl un llw wa lls nw fl oors \1.. Ill tJC: 1:0\.'L'l'i..•d ir1 l'.trp ,• tll<I mor • of the lwau tl ful p111 k inarhlt• -3J1t'1·ially "i1'lt•L'lt•tl from ,tn I allun lli.l lTY , 011 tlw 1>llh•f' ..:ild,1 ol ~1 l'lbourrn.· ~1 ,·1•1 1 11111• c;c, l'Onrl ~l:t~t•, tlw l',•rfn r , 111111g A r·ts ('rJmpl•• 'I\, 1:-> td ktrH: -;h:1p •. I t ln t' I ,,.,._ •h, .i ,, 11Htl tn 1·1 um s ,111 ,,-.: !lt>f w w ntlll [h,•n tn• rnd 1 ly r u· !h••,11r•• n ut ,·n11 •'\'I' 11,1!1 ,_•a h with , w alirq \ 0 ,1p,tt·I .v ( :!OO•J rtw ~,rt~ ou1ldlnc I. till' 111o~ 1·0111pl,• \ .IIHI ,'1Hnp1t1·1 111 1 lw ,•111fural l • 1 11lr'' Plun:-1 for -;tag , ' Ill 1•1• - lh" n\11-,1•u rn - lrld ..;t.lgc IOUJ' - llw :Hi.t h' L 1hl'l'lr~' - h ,1\ l'II ' hi 1 f' l1 n n.tllsert. \\'ork' on the museum Is schcclulecl Lo slru·t 11 fl er ll10 art i.;nllcry I c' omplclcd a nd II shoulct 01w11 two years la ter. The library Is 'X · por·tcd to be finished In J084. The cultural centre will bring a ll Ute a rts tog •lhcr in a n Idea l ·en– tral site, Il i••ill he the pride of l•vcry Quc nslandcr and futul'e i;cncra lions and u milm;t()n In the State's cult.ural growth . Dr William f3oyd , n vlslllng m ember· or the Unlled Slates Na tional Council on the Ar'ls, hns d1.. 1 scribet.l the ·ent1·0 as scconrl to non«! In th 1 wn,·ld, " It'.°' a gr at nncept. al l llw arts loi.; •tiler ," h• sc.llcl. " I'm r•nlly thrille11 ahnut it.· l"h,· .1rch1ll•··t. ~1 r Hoh In G lbson. de.signed lhc C'cntre to blend with the natul'ul at tribut e~ nf the Bri ·l)urw Riv •r· h • mm111tul11 range b;\lllnrl and th1• LownsCape. Th• m ain mato,·ialM Ul'f' ;anrl-blaSLC'd COil· r rctc ,1r1d hrown-llnterl i,:la~s. " This 1s to be ·ort •ned off with lt:'ITilCCS of pla n ts and ha n gl n ~ •ar d,•n~." Mr Lilbson S,lld Progress \Inst IJr-h;ttnnP p •opll' know l11tln about pro– g r·,~:-s 1,n tlie n 1IL11ral 1•t•ntre Th••rC'·s b• !1.rn no r on– trov., rs v a nd the corn;, !ant 111\•i\ of a.Nivlly hy h11ll1llng \',.'Ol'k •rs hus hccn lnri.,:i•I_,. uns •en - lwhlnd nigh wa lls 'Hu l 1t1ls rll .. lkt•S il a ll lht• fllUt'C 1.!Xl'itln g for tlw IHiblk Whi•II JI t)lll' rl.S 11 p, · \l r ;1hso11 ..;atrl 'f'h • l 1' t ~ ,\ I ,. ,. V ft•.t l111·1• ; I W,t t,• r· tll~t ll \\ tlll•h \lr ;1h .;u11 4H1Cl, ,, t:; 1 li~.;-' l!ll aral h.•I to h1• llrl:'\IJ,tn,• t{lvt.~r Llw 11, ·., 11rt• -.u·,•,1111 ·1,1i.:•• 111,· 1tH'l11del-' .1 ' l 111 11 j 1• , i •• C ll •' I y ..;v .. tl'tll wl11 d 1 will iH"'P Ul ••\'1• on •'\'••r'\' hlrtg t 11 I t• ... .. I'\' l fl l' ,,. h mnv,\s 111y,~·l1rrc in th (',''lll't!