Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

2 - THE COURIER-MAIL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1980 SCHONELL FOUNTAIN. Melbourne sculptress Inge King designed this fountain, which has a highly polished bronze 1;urface and ls situated near the entrance to the unlver.,lty's central library. · WATER was used tor thousands of ye: architectural design element. Such use was ot on need, religious rltu~l or simply on providing In China and Japan, water Is treasured for the deU1hL It oflen Lile sensM and for the experience it provides, relaUn1 man Lo na- ture. , For Hindus Mid Buddhist,,. WI· lcr I• a requlremenL !or ritual bathing and ~ · orten archi– tecturally Jramed within an ap- 1,roprlate bulldln1 complex. In J.he Europe of yeaterday, wells and -public fountains, being rnurces or water supply, played •n hnporlant social role by 1en– ernt1n1 nelghborh9od eather– lngs. Only wlihln the•last two dec– ndes, our city fa~era and the bu•lnesa community realised that unleM pmbanfs Inner city area ~oL some water apd. lreeo, people would look almo.,t unnatural within ltil conrlomerate of con– crete, •leel,,.glua and bitumen. A number of fountain• and other archltecturally lnterrated water elements have been bullt since, , . , .out or 10111.e 12 IRjportant , fountains In Brisbane, !.9.u~· within lhe Unlversll,f oT'_lil { 11 Jand. ·... ..,. All are well related to tilie·1ur- roundlng bulldlngs. . ·· The Schonell Mcmo1·lal Fou11- lnl11 deolgned by Inge King, lhe ro,mlaln donated lo the Unlver– sil,y by the International F'eder– n1lon or University Women, anrl the Lake F'ountaln de•l11T1ed by K~h•l11 Crump, are or hl1h de•lgn st~ndards, , Brisbane's Queen Ellzabeth H . Silver Jubilee River F'ountain de- · •i~ned by Robin Gibson la t!°'• ul– L1rtiate 1i1 fountain technolog-y In AIIHtralla, ,Be Ing • floating rountaln \\"ltlch is subjected to both the rise and !all and ebb and flow of the river, this fountain has been re!iponslble for placing an em– phasis back nr the river AS ill mn– Jor; naiurnl element of our city. The use of water will also be a mnjor clcmenL or the conceptual rle.ti~ n or the new Queensland C11ilural Centre. A waler mall penel,raUng lonol– tudlnally ihe spaces or the Art Cnllcf\·, wlr.h Its l'ountalns. will hrlllf! movement and sound to the three dimensions or Rrcl11tccturc. The smnll square wit h the rountnln, beside the " CIO Build– ing, rccel\'ed R Ch·ir. Design Awarct rrom The Roynl .-\us1rn – llan Instiwt,e of Architects. The walerf•II adjoining Roma St rect Forum nnd the new roun– t a111 Al the Brl. llnne Pla7.R 11re ,·lsually saL1syln1 •lgnlllcanL conI1, envlromcnt. • The fountain GPO Bulldln1 in badly located anct ter with the aurroo E.E. McCormick encl06ed by no, Skew Streets, con better used. 'l'he rountaln 1 the only one I k11 elusively for moto The fountain., Square and in t.h dens are well loc J>opular, despite sl11n.