Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

$750,00 move for culture .\\ .\TTE:\ll'T will hl' maclc to sav<' thl.' olcl l·loffn11111(s huildin J..!" in <'har– lotll.' Stn•ct, City, from demolition. 11, 111r·n 11 ,·J1:t1rma 11. l'vlr A l. 11 Ca l- l.,gl1:1 11..,.,icl .w·,1c rctay 111 c:omm l l t "li, d :1hu111 , i:, wcrks 10 rabr 57:iO.OOO to lrn~· 111e b11llcling. ~lr Ca llni;llan . who I., 1!1c Qucr11. ln11 d Fi lm Corpora lion !'Im irma11 . sai d : ·· we kllUW ii i: (111 uphill lmtllc. buL SU ·h an OJJJ)Ol'lllll it y 11·111 never CUlllC ugaln.'' H , : id t he four-storey b11i!cl 1n 1,; 11·1t h (iliOO 1,quare mC'lres or floor space \\'a. ldral lul' a l'Ull lll lUllll; cultu1·al l'Cnlrr. T lir Qurr11., J:1m l Cull ur:i l C l'll I rr l11 South l;lr i~b" nr would pro1•icle pcrfnrI11i11g ., pace only. Whal was ncNlrcl wa., a c:ul 1ur– ' I "llomc" and r chcar,ml : pace. Th(• liu ildi11 g COLllcl be " home" lo thr Q 11 re 11 ., la 11 d Tllr.alrc Company, tile (tucc11sla11ct Ballet Company, the Qnccns– la11d Opera Comp:rny a11cl crafL and hobby Sp:ICI' cou ld be lca,rd 0 11 for COlll- llH'l'tlnl IISC 10 rnbc lllOIICY, ~lr Ca llaghan sa lcl lnlrr., tatc and lo– l':1 1 lllfjll irirs Wf'rC liri11 g marlC' f\bUIIL I hr bu llcl111g. now ownecl by 1'1r Burns Ph ilp By ROD Rl.11111. H 'I'll I•: Liberal Parly in Q11l'cnsln111I is pl:11111i11 • a major l.ransfon11atio11 of lhl' soul.hl .'rn ha11k o the Brisban!' Hivcr if ii gt•ls into powl'r in tomorrow's cleclio11. Lil><'ral ParLy IPact,•r, llr 1.11•11• l•:liwanls, hns u11w•11t•d a sch crnc- to n•\'ilall~«· Liu· ar,•a tr11111 Kan~aroo Poin t In w,-..-;1, F:n<l. 'l'llf' M'll1•111t•, c·allt•tl Hlv,•rsid,· Htl, would I r:u1ston11 Lht• aren 11110 a maJnr n•,·n~atlnna l and touJ'iSf draw,·arcl. C1 1 11tn•piPn 1 of Liu• pl:111 Is a walk – Lh~u11gh aviary to IJ1• huill against. the 1<a11gar110 Po1111,clltr tan• which uverlnuks 111,- 1·11..v c,·nt r,•. Or t-:cJwrirds sard tl11• aviarv wn11 l<J hr a11 IIHpn•s:...lvc•acJ<l1 Llm1 lo I lit• Ill'\\ c ,ilt,tJ r'al C1·11 lrP ilflll l.lw rll'Vt•lnpl11g Mari11111f' l\lw,1·11111 1u 1 111,\ ~111111! hank"' 1111•f'll.V l'f':t/'11 A .~lu,rt d1s1a1u·1· HWh \' w11rk 1,.., w,·11 :1d,·a rw,•d or1 l,ht• p1•rl1lrllllll~ art ~ l'Ol 0 11plt•x and Hrl gal lt•I'.\' 11I I lu• 111•w $'/(I 11111/11111 (~lll'f•11s lancl 'llltwa l C ,·111 n •. Tlw art i,:allt•r.,· 1s SC'IH'dt1 l1·cl Jor c.: 111q.W1·ttn11 11t•~t J1111,• anl'I L11t· 1u•rrnr111i11g an s 1·1111111l1•x will IJp CIJ)l'JH'd 111 liJ111• lnr tlll' Co11111 u111,,·,•:1 ltll <.lanu •., 111 Or tnlJt'r l!)H~ "'l'h,·:-.i• allrnt•f11111..; \\ Ill 111· li llk t·tl 11.\ \\alk11 1c. JOl-( ~1.ig lillcl lllc' \'l'lt' Lr:&t"k -. wh11't1 \\'1 11 ,·~1,•1HI /n1111 l\ar.garoo 1'111111 Lo \V,•::i l•:wl. nr t•:c1war<I~ ,a1rl "1\ l1111g 1111· wa., . 1 l1,•r1· ,, o\l hl lu· 111111"1· p,1rk /:,11,1 playgrn1111tl tae1l1111·~ ;111cl di tu •r 111111•111111•:-. lJ11<1rn1ht1•1llj II will !11·1111111• :i \'1•n· p11p11 lar :i r1·:i /111' Bn:-.ha1w 11111•oplt• a11d 11111n:-.ts .. Ill' :;;a HI llr J-:<1ward~ ~HICl 111• IIHJll'(I Iii,• /!It'll 11/ lltt' r'l\ 1•1 !11•1w,·1•11 11)1· ( ':q tl ,Ill I CtJ11k B n tlg ,• JLIIII I 111 • \'11 I.,, l,t Bnct.w 1·1111111 h,· 11.... 1·tl 1111 \\:l/1•1 ~p11rb l111 111111l1•1\ tlw IHll'tll :111!1 _._. ,111/ 1 hu11k:-- 1·1111ld lh · l111k1 ·<I ll\· ,i Ml:-.fw ltiill•ll hndgl' fur 111·d 1·~1n:11\ lralllf" '1'111:, 1'1l11ld hi' l',\l 1•1Hlt•d 1/'etlll Ill,· H11n u111 ( i111d, ·11;. !1 1 1111· ll\ 1:11',\' Dr Edward:, ....aid I lu· pl:t11 \\':t!<. 111111,·d 111 11111k11 a! h1•t1,·1 II;'\/' 111 11 1,, ll\1•1 ,lllfl 11\t' I h :a1 1k ,!l ld 1•11,·0 111·a.,:h11! ltl',ip lt• 1111•11111\ 1lw1111t d 1,r11~ .1111 f \ 1 11 pl:11'1'', 111 i'lill 111.1 I ,lllfl ll b l llf"I( :d 11111·1, ... , II,· :-.,1HI lh1• lt1 1 Jtl ...1"111•111.. \\ Hllld 11111 11, t'.\ J11'1l.'U\1• 11111' 1'111• ll n ,·r~• h· Hit pl.111 1.._ 1,1w 111 1,, i , 1 i , 111q ,1, 1\ , 1,1I ,h,1 . 11 ~ \1111 Ill I 1 1" l I ',1,' l 11,1 I 1\1 1/1 l 1'11•1 .t \\1 ·1 I, , 11 1 di ll !,I \\'Iii ,, 1111 IHIIII\I 111\\ •. 1"11·1 I h ,H