Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

SVl:,VtI~::-::O'RSunday PETER DEAN Gathering histori.cal inaterial A HISTORY of Queens lund 's performing arts Is being collected for display at the new Cultural Centre. "We ue hoping to collect all kinds of memo– rablll• such AS costumu, ne\\'spaper cutting,;, pho– tograph• and programs," said a Queenslanrt Per– forming Arts tru.,tee, Mu J ennifer Rndbourne. "Primarily we believe many things wl11 come from people who have patro:,lsed the perlormin~ arts o, 1 er the yenrs. "But I think members or the general public m•y kno"' ol old things, perhaps, that they ha,·e come acroM when tidying u11 an estate." , Too olt.l!n, said Mrs Radbourne, historical arti- cle, an 1 Items were thrown out. · It .1appened with the closure or the old Albert Street Theatre, llhe said. Old picture theatres might provide •ome histor– ical documents and perhap• •omeone had material relating to the Cremor:,e Theatre. which had a long history In South Brisbane. • Items could either be given to the collection or loaned. The perlo •ming art~ had a particularly flou– ri•hin~ period at the beginning or the century, Mrs Radbourne pointed out, It was important that people visltin~ the cul- 1.urai ce:,tre either for a performance or on • lour, could study a history ol the performing arts. Mrs Radbourne said it was hoped to link up stories about major productions and, perhaps, about international stars who began their career here. The collection was being made In conjunction with the library to be situated In t he :,ew centre. Mrs Radbourne said any donations of Items could be sent to the trust at P.O. Box 155, Brisbane 4000. Enquiries on telephone 227 8765. •JUDITH HUGHEY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1980 2 - THE COURIER-MAIL t' rhiMHMI ! Brisbane: Fine. Temperatures: Mnx. 25. Min. 14. Tides: High, 6.27 n.m. (2.llll): 7.12 p.m. (2.2m). Low, 12.21 a.m. (0.5m) : 12.55 p.m. (0.2ml . Full dcl•lls nn l'ngc 34. ..., __________ Glamor at the races Brilliant weather, brilliant racing carnival, brilliant fashions - Oueenslanders all. For apreview of the high fashion to be seen during Brisbane'sglamor race season, turn to Fashion. PAGE 19. ;New gallery a present to all ' THE nicest Chrl1tm11 pres•nt ap to now has been the new Quee111land Ar\ Gallery. · lt wu a thrill to ~ In the ,.11nr nn Wednesday at the unre1hn~ or the 1111- i,,ry·a rwwest acquis,t1on. LlW fnn1nl bronu-. 1nd the presentation of rrrt1II• ntes by the Art Gallen· P'oundatlon to the gallen··s n.,....est donor<, It •·u atso nice to .,.. the president · and dirertor of the foundauon. Sir Oeorr• Pl.sher l\nd Str oa,•ld Lon,l•nd, ret:el\·in~ their Christmas preo,nts •from the oo,·emnr - aptrtally ,truck Sold medallions u a thank-)'OU on be balf or Qu-.sl•nder'- • The bltrl?eSt thrill or •II "'"" to - It all h&ppen1nc ,n the p.llrr)' Quttn•• landers ha,·e bN>n dream1n1? or for years, and are now able to ste almost completed, A Chru;tm,u; pn,s•nt-and-a-hlll! In fact. w1ti1 the roof, waits and ennrmocs areu of gJLss all there Juat waltlnr to be dreSM!d up Into •·hat 11 rolnr to be one or the moot Import.Ant ralle~s In · the 10uthem hemisphere, It .... marvellOUI to be able In 1lt ourrounded by the muvellous feeiinr ol apace architect Robin Glb10n hu bttn able t.o croate. ~ There ,..,re feellnp of a.. at the ~ tomplet.e and utt.er maJ•tJ of the 'JJ place and relief that there wu nothlnC ~• tuhlonably tolby a.bout It. ·:... There 11 still a lot to do, and there • wu a lot of walking In u.nd and alep- 1 plnl? over and around bulldln1 equip– ; ment, but lt'a all there - and all ours. ·t J.et '1 hope we uae It wetL • ouner, BRISBANE, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1981 That 's a staff writer's verdict on Brisbane's new Art Gallery, nearing completion on the South Bank. Page 21 The /,,_ -~ -. .. ,f!_' ,,· man ~ ·- Fraser who makes MONSTElS