Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Brisbane's 'identikit' gallery 1 not a thing of beauteous joy 1 flfUSBAN F., a C'it v Wllh Ill lrll'11llLy. . AL ll'llSL WI' ,·an lakl' lwarL that W(' ran ld1'11Llf,V Wllh our IH' W :lrt. gall~ry. so whole • smn,·. so hnmrly, ll, looks ilkP parL nl a pa.. k – ag(' cii''I\) Whr•n lht.,y Wl'fl' 111fh-l'ff l111rd up for a pla,·r 1, h n u, ,· 0111· fine collrction of art. Lhl'y must h tlVI' bc1•n , 11dclr•n– ly insplrrd: "Having mo\·1•cl Uw pictures In hnxl's. 11 woulrl be nice lo put Lhrm bark In boxes again " All 11r1. 'll lc-ry, lr kl' a d1un:.h. a ll 1'aln• nr tn Ollf'fa h OllSf' ' is a IJfl1"11lill1f' llL and worLltwhi11• l'dilkt•. llow :-.ad Uuu w,• r.a11 1.01 alford a h1·aut1f11I aml l'lt'Hlllll plac,• to flOUSI' 11 f ln1' l'ni11·1·t inn nl arl . llr r<', a I h lrri: nl 111:lrn,·ss 1s a hlii:ht fnn'\'rr. 11011.:t:N IIIQI IE Brrsh, 111· :~,_._:t':'_ ;} .· ".-~ ~ .; -~ :1 ... .,; ~:: . .>. /. ·_.: It's up to the Duke 'J ,1P Jlu l,,.ti nr E,11110 IT~h /J,j. hr,.,1 11 1 1tNI 111 r•p111 1,r 11 ',, (,J1ir •n 11111n \ fl Ci11.ll"n 1n fklohrr Tt,,, ..:,1l1rn \\'II t·r 1111' 11r,1 ,1;q:r 11 1 1111' U/1(/l;il ('"11''"· ht 1 1n.: h,1111 nn lhr• :>• ill! 11.,nk pf lllf' ll! ,.-1>1111r HJ\1•r. Vrl111h 1 n .h \\ff l!rt hr 1r1 l\ll"'li,,iurnP rnr I Ill" ('fU1l 1 1 1 0/l\\f"l11rh H r>ari~ n( ,n,•r rr1~ rnrn• I t1 1 llf'rf"1l1'r Rl I hP lllllP 1HHf It U',t .. hnprr Ill' 011 1,;p t'OU!rf l',k p 1111111 nf f , ..,,111 11 1 , nffir lfll cllll Jl'S tr, Jh .. ' l'!nrm IIH" / 11p"11111i.:- 1 rrrmnn., H11• 111, rr1,h had h,•r11 rrt·l"'n ,,ri f I r•m lltf\ ll11k1• 1111cl 11,,.. .,pnk!', m.in ,1 1r1 Ii"'•-~ flp•/hl flll tic wnnlrt :tu·r p L. World art at opening So WI' have an inrµosiLlon on art lovrrs to rntrr a ·01 - IPction of l:,rgl' boxri;. Onr•p salf'I.Y insidr. and away rro111 Ure rnunda111• cxtl'rior. t111•y can rrvcl in Lhf' work of mon• lmaghmLIVI', morl' innovaLivl' artists. "COURIER MAIL" (See prewiou, pa,:e) QUEENSLAND Art Gallery is condud: ing negotiations for a major serie.~ of exhibitions for the opening of the new Art Gallery next March and for the period or the Commonwealth Games in October next year. I, lor one, will wear blinkers LIii I am safely Inside whore I won't be continually upset by Uw banal 1•xt1irlor, positioned on a river hank . for maximum cxposurr. Brisb•ne, Old. 30 MAY 1981 · Gallery director Mr Raoul Mellish said the Peter Stuyve5ant Foundation would loan five great tapestries by tho famous French artist Jean Lurcat. Tbcgo arc some of the tapestries displayed in St John's Cathedral in the early Seventies when tho Queensland Art Gallery was closed. The Stuyvcsant Foundation would also sponsor a major exhibition by Kandinsky, one of the great abstruct painters. from the Guggenheim Collection in New York. Another exhibition would be of Renaissance .bron1,c sculptures together with related drnwings and engraving• from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the Ashmolcrm Museum in Oxford. Another would be an exhibition, "Town, Country, Shore and Sea", tracing development of English watcrcolor painting from Sir Anthony Van Dyck up to contemporary times from the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. Mr Mellish said that one of the most important exhibitions for the opening would be the Tokugawa Exhibition of Japanese art from one of the greatest private collections in Jnpun, belonging to the Tokugawa family. Jt' will be sponsored by MIM and CRA. He said that during the Commonweahh Games the, aim would be to display some of the best Australian art and craftsmanship. The Australian Gallery Directors Council will present Aboriginal Australia, a major exhibition of Aboriginal paintings, artifacts and totemic carvings, The Queensland Art Gallery, assisted by the Crafts Board of the Australia Council, is conducting a survey of contemporary craft for. a display during the Garnes. Mr Mellish said: "We arc also trying to organise other special exhibitions for the Games, including an exhibition of tapestries from the_Victorian Tapestries Workshop. "There may also be important exhibitions in conjunction with the International Cultural Corporation."