Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Cultural centre Brlsbane':1 cultural centre represented "the major turnlnr point tor the arts In · the history of Queens• land," the centre's first director, M,r Ru11Sel1 Ker– rlson, said yeiiterday. " As lilt c•ntre·s inauaural di· rector. r ,nil try to oonvmc• ,·i.,. ilors 10 Brisbane not to lea,·e Without ,·tsiUn1 It," h• Utd. ··'fh• cultural ctntrt is tqual lo 1 11)' in the ,.-orld. and lntrrstat• •and o•er•eaa 1·lsl1ora ,rill be !itunned." ~lr Kerrtson'• appointment as director from 60 applicants w•s 1 2 - THE COURIER-MAIL FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1981 announced yesttrda)' b)' the Dep• uty Prtm1er, Dr Ed•ards. Mr Kerrlson. 44. ot Tdinsa, Is Quten•land Art Gallery dtputy director, and hu represenled the caller)' on the Cultural Ctnlre Trust •••cuthe. •ub-commlttee •mce It• inception tf,o )'ears 110. He Li a Oalltr)' Socitl)' PISl• prf':::.ideot and a former lecturtr I n I r C h I le cl u r 8 I dcsl1111 at Queensland Unil cr,lt)'. ~lamed "'ilh throe sons and a d•u11httr. Mr Krrri.ion "as 0011• Cat<'d al Brilibane Boys· Colltge. BRISBANE 1981 White STD Aroo Codo 07 Pages TELEGRAPH, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1981 l~e arts, bul th• lo"••t •ttend• ance Rl actual performances or e,h1bllio11s. "Some peopl• 10 other 11arts or Aus1 ral11 le•I th• a,u 111 Queens• land h11e1fl been looked alter to lhe past." he &aid. "I beltflt that 111 recrnt time,, and parucularly •Inc• lhe er••· tlon or the culturol crnt re. people are ch1n1ln1 their minds l'ery ra1>idly. I am certain the l1cll– lt1cs ar• first cl••• by any 11an• dard. ".\ s ~nrld tlass lactltlle•. they \\ Ill :.uract ,.·arid d as~ per• Jurmer:a and exhrnillornt ct nd Quren~lwnd nn lom:rr \I. 111 1111~ out un c ultural eH•111s 11nr111.11lr <tu~ed Ill Melllournc and S)·dnei· on1,·:· · ~1r Krrr1~011 was ;1ppo1ntcd dt• rtclor lor a !--e\·en•)ear lrrm on R salary or SJJ.000 a )t•r wtth a car, Sta; e one of Ille tTntrr. m· clu<Jmg 1hc new • n sallery, 4~0 bl'3l Rudltor1um , Ill .SL eh•"~ re, • taurnnt nnd 500 /'ipa1·r rnr 11ark. Ii\ c, prcled 10 be uµened In mld• September. - RVSSl::LL Kr.aa,~os ·• ~ - Thir·d design for ,\ Brisbane artist bas de• , lgned his third Brisbane telc• phone directory cover. James Lyle, of Brisbane, was commissioned by Telecom to gh•c bis Impression of the Queensland Cultural Centre. Delivery of the white-pages di· rectory with l\lr Lyle's wrap– around cover, wlll begin on Sat– urday. Delivery of the yellow– pages will berln In September. !\fr Lyle painted the 19'11-72 Brisbane telephone book cover and the 19'13 cover which com– memorated the Brisbane GPO directo book, the Telecom actlnl!' manager, Mr Keith Petri , the totaI cost of the Brlsba rectory was $4,291,800. There would be 692,000 , for homes and buslnesse another 20,000 dlrectorler less attractive coven for telephone booth~. l\lr Petrie said there wn 812 white pages cont, 232,209 entries.