Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

to open THE FIRST stage ot the Queens– land Cultural Centro!--& 450-seat auditorium, re.naurant and ra.r park- will open n September. Tho Queensland Art Gallery 1<1 II 11101·• to ts new gallery !n the centre next March. The g11l– er)' at present Is on the :itth floor, MIM Building, Ann Street. The centre's performing nrt.s complex, Including a 2000-seat concert hall, a 2000-seat lyric theatre nnd n 200-sent studio theatre Is expected to be com– pleted before the Commonwealth Onmes In October next year. A new Queensland Museum, due for completion b1 September 198~. and a State Library towarda the end or 1984 wlll complete the com11lex, currently estimated to cost more than $100 million. THE COURIER-MAIL - 7 Brisbane, Art Gallery 'promised in 1935' QUEENSLAND'S art gallery, now being built at South Bris– bane, was promised as early as 1935, according to the book "Australia's National Collec– tions." The book records that Queenslund Premier Forgan Smith promised ln !035 thnt the Oovernmeot would build a nallonnl picture gallery In Brisbane. This was nrtcr Mr John D•rnell, or \Vynnwn. left ~10.000 for lls estnb• I.JshmenL, pro\·Jdcd the sum wu. mntched by public sub, crlpllon wlthtn the years. The public, t.hrough Uie erforts or SC \I Ip LO r Dnphne Mnyo Rnd ll,c Qucensl•nd Art Fund, Just made It 111 u rn . - und the promise hns been ful– filled m re than ~O ;-ears later. Co-authors of the publlcRtlon, Clem !,lord Rnd Peter Sckules.,, nlso Rre de– hghtcd thlll, In the book, they httl'0 fl • nnlly reunited cl1amplon rncehors, PhRr Lnp l<'ILh his hearL. The b1g~er thnn normal 6.3kg heart Is held at the Institute of Ann tomy. CRnllerra, 11hlle Phn r Ll p urnnlly Is al the Nntlonnl l\tuscm11 or \"ictorln. 111 Mclbo11rnc. 8 11L lh y come tozciher on JJ•H:c Ii'; or 11,c book. which gh·cs nn otll llllo or Austrnlln· nn uonn I roll~c1Inns ond n 11 nccount. of thei r development.