Daniel Thomas : Newspaper writings

I "TELEGRAPH" Sydney, N.S.W. 11,1111110/11116111111111N1111111 fiff1111.111R1111111111181 iAmong imports, _ i startling prices _. . . E - - = i by DANIEL THOMAS THE most startling thing about the imported English and French paintings and drawings at David Jones is the prices. With due regard to the 25 per cent exchange when converting into Australian money and to the 12} per cent soles tax la scandal this should exist on works of art), and to freight and pocking costs, it's stil! clear that prices have rocketed. Your Sickert draw- "Arabs and Regulars." unintegrated smudges when While the ambiguous oil more melting fusion Lng might now be paintings of strippers (40 might solve it. worth 420 gn.).. Boucitri to 100 guineas) ha . be- Dawson Is the elder and 320 gas., Augli.atUs come completely personal. better, but these two make But Melbourne painter a fresh wind of change for John 590 gns., or a Janet D... (GalleryA) the year's final one-man Sickert oil sketch 1350shows. makes one wish he'd put gns.-such things are the paint on with a bit Ilan collections. poverLshment for her, all 28 mixed to be found In Austra- more loving cure. No itn- manner of subtle and won - This collection of 53 little derful color not Just a few s gems-the largest is only posteriah ones, are smooth - 10 x 14 inches-is typical ly applied, their edges ad- in one bag Rowland, Browse to Del- utted to set up exhilarat- a berm taste. Moot are quiet lng tensions of color, area it, U D Y KOMON'S and retiring, though there and tone. (Good house- fifth anniversary are a few minor Fauves keeping can even find her show mixes 28 artists like Petittean; most are removing invisible specks often seen in his gal - well crafted. Of the ells from the canvas.) Sickert's "Pulteney Bridge" A similarity with Show lery. molvlg, Sibley, sketch and the Dement la that she too acknow- Fred Williams have Lees are outstanding; the ledges other pictures, not excellent examples. Georges Lei -amen specimen commercial newspaper of pointilllan Is the odd- ones, though, but fine -art Michael Brown and Colin est, being la thing but two ones, old masters, Tin_ Laneeley pictures have speckled bat ds; and the toretto's "Origin of the been dug up from the Lmi- streatnery Poilip Sutton Milky Way" and his "st, Cation realist exhibition of sketch is interesting for its George and the Dragon." two years ago, the Lance - similarity to Janet Daemon. However, she Mies their ley "Saintly Woman" very , in my very first The drawings Include forms rather than their Dubuffet being one I find charming. slight examples content, and her forms I praised of Bonnard, Cassatt, Car- imply a complex swelling Sunday still riere. Forain a strong, and contraction of volumes looks good. Also worth bodeful heaving Malvern in space rather than the noticing, a version of Don - Hills watercolor by Paul flatter shapcness of Shaw. aid Friend's "Youth, Death, Nash: and a sundrenehed and the Maiden," a new orchard watercolor by The content verydark Olsen, "Man Obsessed with the Sun." an Pissarro that makes one improved Sheplierdson. a weep for the lost Innocence, leas finally her content the ahsurd happiness of Is t literary and special- Illustrating Rose, a new Pugh Aborigines and the Impressionists and a Iced than his. Her pictures curse on their fourth gen- seem to be about basic bottles -trees at Brooms, oration commercial hints- organic matters, growth and the first Passtnore tors here in Australia to- and generation, petalled seen for a year shows up day: with. Impressionism flowers or their human the structural weakness of 'unlike. say, Cubtsm), the equivalent or sex organs, its neighbors, but maybe space -relations could be method has no intrinsic breasts, mourns. So thing more than this pie- although Shaw Is put to the service of some - virtue, all that matters Is the communicated passion. figurative and Dawson ab- lure of nothing much at street, Dawson is store on all. Welcome add she's not perfect; Guinea art front the Mori - the side of llfe. I hasten to "o" miss the New smudely edged blobs occur, arty collection at the Manly changes fatality to those who can- The Clone Gallery's no doubt to speak of sen- Art Gallery. not see it in clean -edged final show of Dobell, Drys - tenderly undulating color dale, Boyd and Nolan opena CHANGING gear to bands. But rosy remain Monday. Australian stand- ards, and to the pre- What's on this week sent day, we have two one-man shows of a kind Inconceivable 1$ months ago, both by artists In their twen- ties. They make welcome change. Michael /thaw (Wetter' Gallery) is the more (osten- tatiously subversive. He flings the newest (or next - to -newest?) and unfamiliar London style of Kit& and Co. at us, that is figurative Pop Art, with a nostalTie taste for old-fashioned his- torical violence, World War I or earlier, as well as for the Usual Pop -Art material of newspapers and pin-ups. In the same way that Laneeley will use a found Stern: Mixed exhiblUoto object, a real wheel or Hungry llorse: Seven Potters. real shoe. In his pictures, Aladdin: Kees Hoe, N.Z. etcher. Shaw sometimes uses found Education Department: Peter Panow, paintings images, ntayoe newspaper Walk Gallery, Hornsby: 20 guineas and under. pholograpns are copied, Commonwealth Savings Bank, Martin Place: M. and Naturally tne choice it- Mme. Minh, Vietnam painters. self Is creative for a start; Lennox, Parramatta: 15 guineas and under. and to convert from prin- Frances Jones: Marie Forli, animal drawings. tees ink to colored paint Craws, Wollongong: Ten guineas and under. gets it further on the way TUESDAY ONWARDS to being his own, Shaw Walters Gallery: Michael Allen Shaw, paintings and hi its many tiny gouache gouaches. di ' 'f12 or. 1.11 g m .,., Elkin tiellere: ,Itene, 'Mons Wah, watercolors and i 1 ' ititngs:,,, ' ij , OS teell - -./ l' Elie t disi'oser es "snot,- ' '''''' wleftvKIZEDAY ONWARDS - . - '' shot,""Descending Stairs." alacquarle: Mixed exhibition. ij,1111111111111111111111The week in Art Following are details of exhibitions on show thia week. TODAY ONWARDS Art Gallery et N.S.W.: Special exhibition: Stuyveaant collection, Contemporary European paintings. Manly Art Gallery: New Guinea Art from the Mori- arty collection. Newcastle City Art Gallery: Gothic Art, Maim. Pion ts Underwood: Mixed exhibition. Yen Beilouch, Newcastle: Fabrics and Jewellery. TOMORROW ONWARDS Chute: Drysdale, Nolan. Boyd, Dobell. Racoon: Mixed exhibition. Gallery A: Janet Dawson, paintings and drawings. Dominion: Mixed exhibition. David Jones: English and French peIntinvi and drawings. Collectors Rendesvous: Early English Watercolors,