Daniel Thomas : Newspaper writings

"TELEGRAPH" Sydney, N.S.W. 21 ' SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, MARCH 21, 1965 The week in by Daniel Thomas THIS was a feast week. Four new major ex- hibitions, and the brilliant Spyropoulos painting still at David Jones'. The Art Gallery of N.S.W. Acquisitions for 1964 Is outstanding for its , ancient Mexican, Mel - I anestan and African tribal art. Also eastern ceramics. In the Australian section two very beautiful Joint Russell watercolors, Dob- ell drawings. Margaret Preston woodcuts; and many paintings. Colin Lanceley (Gallery A) makes three hot - breathing beasts, though amiable and grabbabie, out of found pieces of wood; then, which Is new, paints them here and there in luminous dark colors, as if spattered with dry blood. Also an unpaint- ed piece from a smashed piano, cool, pure, and ab- stract as a fugue. Also his first three lithographs. It speaks of animal grace as well as aesthetics. Jim Coburn (Hungry Horse) was told by some- one, "So, beauty is back." This means harmony, clar- ity, and sumptuous fulmin- ating color in two kinds of picture; green and blue gardens, brown and red deserts. Thankfully none of those holy compromises with semi -abstract cruci- fixes, Calm, warmth and generosity are here. Charles Blackman tClune) after five years in London has gained in tech- nical cunning what he has lost in awkward poetry. The single or separate girls leave too much for the observer to add to them from his own sentimental experience, but those which overlap or interlock offer their own gently poetic ambiguities. Also this week: Use Tauber (Stern) whose "Old Village" In central Europe, or "Tuileries" with child- ren playing, fill Use canvas with charm and sensitivity. Others which don't fill it up, but place a large and awkward shape within It arc not so happy. 28 to 80 guineas. ART GALLERY OF N.S.W., Mexican figures from Vera Cruz, 600 A.D. art COLIN LANCELEY'S "Phoenix Amongst the Stars' at Gallery A. CHARLES BLACKMAN. "An Illusion of ChildreauW Clune Gallery. 1111111111111111111111/111 llllllll 111111111 llllllll 11111111111111111111 llllll 11111111111111111111111111111111 WHAT'S ON IN ART Art Gallery of N.S.W.: Special exhibition, Ac- quisitions for 1964. Gallery A: Conn Lanceley, assemblages, lithographs. Clune: Charles Black- mgsan, co paintings, draw - in, llages. Hungry Horse: John Coburn, paint in gs. Walters: Ann Thom- son, paintings, draw - "'Meru: Use Tauber. paintings; Brooker and Kokor, pottery. David Jones: Jannis Spyropoulos, pa: stirs s. Ilorderns Mid City: Archibald, Wynne, Sul - 3 man rejecta Ilunters Hill Town Hall: Annual art prize. The Stables, Parra- matte: Five women Hamada, pottery. mama llllllllllllllimm llllllll onoomoo... JOHN COBURN "Tree of Life" at Hungry Horse., painters. Fourment, North Syd- ney: E. Davis and Lille Lowe. Von liertourh, New- castle: Ken Reinhard. Cran a, Wollongong: Frank Choreal. OPENING MONDAY Hungry I 1 orse: Cor- inne Van Hanlon, Jew- ellery. OPENING TUESDAY Dominion: Pre view 1965. Little Gallery: April Crecy. Lenthall, N. Sydney: Terry Williams, paint- ings. OPENING WEDNESDAY Macquarie: Kevin Connor. David Jones: Shoji