Daniel Thomas : Newspaper writings

r -TELEGRAPH" 1_ piAR PISydney, N.S.W SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, MARCH 1, 1964 THERE has been a recent trend for dealers to import exhibitions from abroad. As dealers begin seem- tai waylytoouagtnreuemaber art ofista keeping standards up for the exhibition visitor. Takeicht Kea ai's pottery What's on paintings by Godfrey Miller all at once. At present all four of those owned by tile Art Gallery _ of N.S.W. are on view. plus 73 a recent one lent by a pia - 1 ate collector. This was the week's beat offering, and It contains more of the Hindu spirit than the whoe Farmers exhibition. ALL NEXT WEEK Fannin.-Cannenpaiary ',than P, mime. Omni., 102 Cialliertagh Slrolli.-S.,ect.0 Walk anat.. Horniliy..-J.n Annmay lini-ENV-A rcv bail Winne and S,., reNna Tiny Chiala SI Maisoay Nran -Jonn OpOurn. OPE/11NC; TUESDAY Hoary Nana, 41 ,14,ndsp $1,11 .60dinglon.-lienty Sa ikans tali OK *Malden. PIMA Crass. Waning., -Pr aneit innnarnin DARNING WE An M.,4.5$. 1 ;1 r711,/Vd: Pityni am Siroo9gIrlo.loomore Road. raddo,gtoni Piontinpi Jo. pots at the Argus Gallery onto, es also showed Now operating in Poly- Instigated visited Japan last year and Sydney of Fred Olsen. of Teheran to Sydney . sMelbourne a week ago a econd collection of his visits was accompanied by Shiko woe, by Piloko, a native Takeichl Kawei, and of Munakata's pictures - an- protege, whose flowerpleces his fellow exhibitor here. other Japanese who may have' a genuine naive John Chappell. who Re- tie the world's greatest liv- charm, and whose em- companted Kawel to Svd- Mg master of the woodcut. broldery is delightful. key, and who was killed 'Elsewhere in Melbourne. There were as well some a few weeks ago. Gallery A had the Philip traditional native crafts, Chappell's pots, mostly fromtape Oaths, clubs, pigs' gwliathzess,uravueeda ash hrecotr 631'111'111 Sutton exhibition England seek here last tusks. New Hebrides fig- plicity not unlike medieval year, and these radiant urea and a strangely chlch nudes looked better than object, old woos English. Perhaps the peitiant vernacular In ever.(nodded i with many nails, descend- Japan, or anywhere, al - But the contemporary rid perhaps from a once po- ways has ails same quality. Indian paintings now at And besides their beauty Farmer's are hardly a new tent fetish, but here titled experience. The 56 pictures "lionimage a Bach." Chappell's pots are consis- tent, and reveal a personal 'none very big) by 42 sense of form, artists look like tile pro-' worse Blakebrough's do not. He duction of talented enough TT evidently intends us to ac - illustration class at some An even worse exhibi- ceps them as experiments art school, for almost all lion is at Anthony Hor- for each is carefully dwell insistently on the -- derns, though it at leaat.is labelled with its kiln of picturesque aspects of meant to be bad. These origin-Sigarakt or Do- native, life. All are flea- paintings and sculptures Mure (where he made i all are competent, are by artists willing to de- some small porcelain ob- all share a preference for I- c are that tiler work was jects). or Kyoto (where he flatness. either like De not accepted for hangies worked with Kawel and Steel, or like Gauguin, or from amongst the Arent- " imitation Kawels), like their own traditional bald, Wynne and esultnan ss (where be made murals. Only an Austra- competition entries. An I as. .reeable, presum- Ilan long resident in equal number of rejected ably t. ....ant pottery), or Bombay, his name Subtly works have failed to appear back home at Mittagong. misspelt to Roy Dalta at Harden's. When all this is digested (and looking quite at home It may be that this is a new and interesting in the list of Indian better than tile rejects Blakebrough style should names) offered strongly usually are; In the Sulman' emerge three-dimensional model- ling.. We know very well that !ISPriZtPICIVIIIDAY V. datiovin. Nan. stn.- Perla Hailing and in.. Hama,. artistic stimulus; and in p;:eilaTi -a'apli;5"G-I;Curncr ME -Macquarie was from Japan was a major out of the wayaces, from Les Blakebnaugh, who section are some decent I The other pottery ex - pictures that did not fit Milton at the Dominion the set category of sub- Gallery, includes typical certain Indian painters ject painting; in the work by Leckie (wallan, working Europe-Souza orynne are some pictures light-hearted,Picasso(n) Avinash Chandra -,scan go b artists who had one of the Englunds (cool, very beyond the merely plc- their two entries accepted. pure Japanese influence, turesque, and can handle (Next year tile rules will lovely). the Becks (dark, major themes of love or be changed: one entry only dribbly, as expected from religion with. some power. from each artist.) But on the Boyd family). Peter It Is Inconceivable that the whole incompetence Is Travis (imitation Mares artists of aimilar quality compounded with vulgar- Grizzard, with applied thy here are not to be found in , spaghetti -work). Milton India itself. Moon (much as usual), Col Iii this exhibition only Levy (same shapes as be - with linen' obsessive over- Chapman shiny, like fine khaki mud, Leman Pal's poetic heads, fore, but a new glaze, elaboration of linear decor- Among the curren or clay slip), Charles Swain titian, go distinctly beyond crop of exhibitions, Mavi and Jean James (red beyond the category of hapman's one-man she earthenware, green and tourist, or airport. art, had the merits of crafts manship and of modish blue glazes, commonplace .Indeed. this is airline forms), Jean Riggs (a new art. The exhibition, strict- mune to me, pleasant, l speaking. is not a There were 59 textural y dealer's venture but abstractions. The craf man nlyeoPolotretedd gwiazitheocinpnlaus- polltiooscultural manifes- ta in the kneading and Margaret Tuckson, Wanda stirring of the -thickns sTrudy Alfred. and tation 'circulated by the mounds of plastic Government airline Air paint from !Temente, Eileen rather than ln tho often Brooker and Blaz Kokor India. The, pictures were strident color-decorator's with some mysterious and apparently bought for the company's offices, though call these deliberately n colors the Americans miiht extremely small objects. they are' here listed for teresting magentas an New galleries sale at prices from 29 to greens. And, a thous 189 guineas, some of the paintings as This year the newly Air India has conducted ire to titles like Snangr extended Royal Art So - sophisticated and per- La, Scherezade or Pas etre rooms (25-27 Walker menently memorable ad- simile Encounter they an Street, Lavender Bay, vertising campaigns. This all Interior Decorators North Sydney) are open ill -chosen exhibition is, by Best Friends, guarantee' daily [or the sale of mem- comparison. rather provin- not to speak out from thet bers work. Hours, week - dal. place framed wall. Ant days 11-5. well , too. An An entirely new gallery available In all sorts was opened yesterday. France handy shapes and sizes fo Called Collectors' Rendez- th')se difficult corners your Pty:Ltd., It will sell After being trapped in the lift leaving Farmer's in long and narrow as early English watercolors I s Japanese scroll for ex as well as autcgrajohs and was no mood to enjoy the next airline's offering, ample. manuscripts. S. d d r e s a but regardless of mood I: " Goldring House, 443 Kent Pots urs: eek- W can assure Air India that Street, near the Sydney Air France's show in Its Town Hall. Ho Bligh Street off ice was Two more pottery shoe days 11-3, Saturdays 9-12, more amateurish than - this week, both demo or by appointment, vinctil. Mkhou Touchc 0 stratingthe fruitfulness Sydney has not had the is. enthusiastic bun_ our cultural contacts wit chance for some t.me of stormer who has exhibited jaParl - seeing so many a., five Ma naintfnas under ()Metal I en