Daniel Thomas : Newspaper writings

nal "TELEGRAPH" 1963 Sydney, N.S.W The Week in Art by Daniel Thomas The Art Gallery of N.S.W's. acquisi- tions for 1963 include many more gifts theft usual. Perhaps the time will soon arrive when like certain great American Museums-the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Modern A.rt , New York -it will buy almost nothing, and re- ceive all Its acquisitions by gift or by endowed purchase funds. Meantime the State Government GRECO-ROMAN HEAD OF APOLLO. Given by the Art Gallery Society. this is the first classval antiquity to enter a collection which ever since it wa.i founded In 1874 has been primarily concer,.ed with contem- porary art. Made in the first of second century AD, by a Greek artist for a Roman client it follows an even caller model from the 3rd century B.C., that is it was made at a time when clients admired the art of the past more then the present. 6 e - Sc .4!" 4$ I * 6 e la 4 It * * -IP. A HANGING SCROLL taboret, by the 18th century Japanese artist ShohakU Soga, In the very spontaneous Sul- boku style of "black painting" in ink which developed under Zen Buddhism. It is a char- acter study of a hooli- gan on a river beith at Kyoto. where there was a sort of playland with theatre booths and rough entertaii:..tent. grant of L12,500 for purchase, for exhi- bitiona (always very expensive), and other miscellaneous purposes such as publications, is more- generous titan that of most other State galleries. The exhibition of recent acquisitions Is notable for its sculpture section. stronger than in years, for the Old Master prints, for some Japanese paintings, and as always for local Australian painting. Some of these are Illustrated here: HEAD OF A WOMAN (below), by Ossip Zadkine. Given by Dr. and Mrs.11. V. Evati, long -active patrons of contemporary art, this carving is by one of the great modern masters of sculpture, Made In 1923 when his cubism was becoming tinged with neo classicism, It is polychromed like ancient Greek sculpture once was: the eyes are encrusted with blueand white marble, the lips lvltit red cement. JUNK SCULPTURE (left t. by Robert Klippel. made in America In 1961 before his return to Sydney. The gallery's first piece in this idiom, a kind of drawing in space with ready made elements-waste machinery- of surprisingingly great beauty and precision. The ele- ments are magically transformed into new, tensely con- structed organisms. WHAT'S ON TODAY AND NrsT wrcy AN Gallery el N.5 W ALL NE', Wt[n 1.1 ggggg Pia,* -Han, f tigemr, Marty worn -.eft yon.,flar pott. Telly CI... -John, 09.0. Crafoll, Woi.angenymteu,r,r Yak Illertauth, a -Pri, $ Him Walk Gallery 1-larfoby -Carl OPENING TutsoAY sett* --sr.." ,IYalatlail 1411. INN