Daniel Thomas : Newspaper writings

1 a. "TELEGRAPH" Sydney, N.S.W. The Week in Art, by Daniel Thomas THE Hungry Horse Upstairs Gallery consists of two sunny white rooms; each has one painting only on each of the four walls; there are strelitzio blooms iil floorpots. It looks superb, as' siderabie vitality, and a 7., w Y . I.,Ifil MI,. a I a 1, Inure ON ..1.,,..1,...k..,.....pw, It thus gains all Its con- testing kind of vitality, by i cloAnST,I).0A7, Illsral, and far better than ifie r A .NO MIXT WICK 1 A.4.?=7.1! '14,741Z34:14.17:4,;':e.iattytta. z wn,avIci. c....., Milaulhirr Rath Lowv. sistuso. 1 Walla Gallery, Hornsby. LISHe H.W.#.....!,!,10 ati p",... L. , V.. Ilartowli. Newcastle. miner Wel, same All ST MIK I ...., Kwww WI ..... Pi%r:.la " Tarsi Claw. John Mentedert, Wolin,* _ - 11Jrr7 : Christi. Harmon, paintings; Luciana Znselt. Sculpture : m HUM,' Hemet Eight Painters. s. OPINIPID TUESDAY .. hrshown, Artarrnon: John Honshaer, pointlap, 0.1/10.111: David Boyd, The Trial" pains/no. I gas. e pink and yellow - Crane, Wollongong. Hew hia. manii Tabill s e colors push and pull like-.. - - Farmers. Survey I. OPININGwahmasea""' a ....ass...44 wise. In some passages one - uso,,,,,ov, 1,,,, Fah ...ether. would wish the transitions FrantAll JORVI. Dora Jarret, Newdaildelerli*Ow. ' 1145 tliiteri."7pecIkle ,' I art' rs'"""I'Llni"""11".""n" ctleabenly,s aurtketicliisevpeienturmeoreis favored, and some of the still an exhilarating event. latter are very satisfying. Of the present eight New Guinea o ii Apart from a cluster of typical Hungry Horse plc- figures and bark. as usual and very good; -Red sculpture, exhibition, honest pottery ill dnedad- tures Plate is much as al me' tut qu tai to.wtehr: Intended dington, Raft and Repo-. an egu....y glamorous Wa- ttle Hungry Horse and tough in a rather tec much as usual, good 0'2 in but perhaps a trifle less duirlistalrs rooms, English medieval way, than their best-Redding- Rudy Komon shows seven Gordon Samstag at the* ton too complicated, Raft Brisbane painters, each Dominion showed 40 oils, offering one ghostly circle with three pictures, except collages, drawings and too many. Rapotec swoop- for Molvig, who has only gouaches at 12 to 120 ing about a bit too grace- one, and so odd and inter- guineas. He is an Amer-- fully. eating a one is worth all can now teaching in Ade- Two other artists are not the rest put together. Its 'aide, and is agreeable at all as usual, title is no help: "A Short enough in his figure draw- Gleghorn's "Tomb" is an order Portrait of Our Little ings, and in a few small enormous all -black canvas World." It is exceedingly with a flat broad slab pretty, but the rose pin abstract gouaches of roughly cubist structure. across the top, and thickly object standing in the ,_ The larger abstracts of clotted °wings streaming warm powdery dusk Is color patches loosely strung down from it. He is now plainly very rude, perhaps over grey grounds are at the furthest possible re- a phallus. It holds a flower, move from the rainbow- and contains a beady eye. callable but dull. colored and often too-bus Smudged in the back- K' paintingsr done before groundare a bird, a fish, and aluminium reliefs, alto Rubinstein Scholars h 1 P., and a snake, The picture at the Dominion, were of It is handsome. one ap- is an iconmapher's field Harlequins, Lovers, Dan- plauds the atm, and wait* daY. cars. etc., and were the to see whether something, Shepherdson carries on nastiest commercial art. so different from the old Molvig's older expressionist Gleghorn can be his per- figure style with conviction. manent way. over scaled and olive green. HodflPuou's "Ant 11,1 a I Aland is not progressing. and Vegetable Diptych" Matthews is the same as painted in Spain this year might Indicate buttock or usual (dark epoxy resin gourd forms in its rather abstractions on white), so slippery drawing on yel- is Roggenkamp (Cezan- low-green. The concentra- nish watercolors), so is Rigby lion of his last Australian meat city). (Impressionist do - work is missed. Moriarty, how- ever, In "Plate of Fish" Refreshing shows more of his unex- pected and promising move into vivid, colorist's cubism. Christine Herman (Barry change Stern Gallery) shows 30 Paintings, half of them little gems"_ at eight or The two remaining plc- nine guineas, the others tures make a marvellously up to 50 guineas. This first refreshing change from the proper one-man show by loose forms a n air or low- a young painter is less site - spirited color so common certain' with the simple, In Australian painting. striking forms than with C ob ur n's " of Image -- the all-over unification of Night" is the gayest Of -Nocturnal Experience" or green gardens with a but- where a pleasant tercup moone-his flat cut- sense of luminosity has its out style of some vears 0 rtunities ago revivified, tightened 0 uclano Zmax, down - up, painted with greater ease, and unweighted by stairs at the same gallery, is another young artist his dutiful essays in desert with a first show. He is a landscape or relig i ous drama. Delightful, sculptor who makes large Janet Dawson, however personages of motor body is the most interesting of parts and other scrap all. A Melbourne painter, metal. The best are the born 1935, who pre- least human; and the parts viously shown o , two are less Interesting when works in Sydney, she now Whited than when the de - emerges as an Australian raying enamels are ex - artist of the first rank. The plotted. title "With Sauce" must be a reference to the splendid, G Col Levy (Macquarie Galleries), age 30, has his opulent, gaudiness of the juke -box and hamburger first one-man show of pot - world; but this is not an he is now tery. After several moves abstract pop -art picture. established at More titan anything in tough gritty Bowen Mountain, using a by refusing to lean strengthp it Rains Australian art except -- and inventive forms. Ash suits his familiar strong clay which on a.,,,oriations of any kind. , glazes and salt glazes, III R other gallery In Ehiginal shaurely pes-not easy Sydney. ories, not those trusty war- landscape or figure mem- With only one painting horses the circle and the by each of eight artists, square - original shapes It is, besides, much small- generate tensions, push and er than the usual Mixed I bend each other with their exhibition. And if the ten- own esthetic forces of dency to small exhibitions continues we might soon gravity and electrical char- Th reach the happy state - for reviewers - of being invited to see one painting only. When this happens I for one w i 11 be very