Vew from the chair: Speeches of Richard WL Austin

however, I should like, with His Excellency's indulgence, to proffer the Gallery's thanks in two other directions. I proffer them, first of all, to those men and women who have made this gathering possible. I refer, not only to those who have just received their certificates of membership, but to all those who, over the years, have made donations to the Gallery. As I have said before and will say again, the Gallery needs all the financial help it can get from the private sector of society, and in this respect let me emphasise that the widow's mite is just as acceptable as Jupiter's shower of gold. I am not, by the way, referring to the Casino. To all these men and women, the Gallery extends its deepest thanks. Secondly, I want to proffer thanks to the channel through which so much of our money has passed-the Art Gallery Foundation, under the splendid and inspiring Chairmanship, originally of Sir George Fisher and now of Sir Bruce Watson, both of whom have been aided in a most fundamental way by the able and urbane administration of Sir David Longland (all of whom, I am happy to see, are here tonight). I need not tell you that the Foundation has played an absolutely vital role in the development of the Gallery's Collection. As you all know, private donations to the Foundation attract a subsidy from the Queensland Government. It is sometimes forgotten how important this is. Since the first appeal was launched in 1979, the Government has provided approximately $1 million. Its generosity, too, deserves our thanks. And last, but by no means least, I want to proffer thanks to His Excellency the Governor for coming here tonight and presenting the membership certificates. It has become a special tradition that the representative of Her Majesty in Queensland should carry out this most important task for us and we regard it officially as a great honour that this should be so. It is also a great pleasure to us personally that it should be carried out by Sir Walter, so well known to and so gready admired by all of us, because, if I may use Dr Johnson's famous Latin description of Oliver Goldsmith– Nullum quod tetigit non omavit-he touches nothing that he does not adorn. And so thank you, Your Excellency, for your continuing support for the Foundation, and especially for presenting the certificates of membership this evening, and, finally, for adorning with your presence this great Gallery of ours. 4 Vote of thanks at the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation's Ninth Annual Dinner, Mayfair Crest lntemadonal Hotel, 23 March 1988 Once again it is my pleasant duty to propose, on behalf of the Gallery, a vote of thanks to all those who have participated in this evening's proceedings. The instructions which set these out in great detail require me to speak for no more than five minutes. I will do my best to obey, but I have, you will realise, a lot of thanking to do. First of all, I should like to proffer my thanks to those men and women who have made this evening's gathering possible-the donors. I refer not only to those who have just received their membership certificates, but also to all those who, over the years, have made donations to the Gallery. 118