Vew from the chair: Speeches of Richard WL Austin

The Gallery is fortunate in having a number of rich benefactors whose generosity has greatly added to, and enhanced, the Gallery's collections. Pre-eminent among these, of course, are Lady Trout and her late husband, Sir Leon. We have them to thank for our marvellous collection ·ofJohn Peter Russell paintings. But it should also not be forgotten that there are, in this community, a number of men and women of comparatively modest means-more than we might think-who have consistently taken heed of the poet Wordsworth's exhortation: Give all thou canst, High Heaven rejects the lore Of nicely calculated less or more. To all our benefactors, rich and not so rich alike, I proffer the Gallery's thanks. Next, I want to thank the channel through which so much of our money has passed, the Art Gallery Foundation. Under the inspiring leadership, originally of Sir George Fisher, and now of Sir Bruce Watson, and under the able administration of Sir David Longland and his splendid staff, the Foundation has played an absolutely vital role in the Gallery's development. Sir David is one of those remarkable men who, by the exercise of his charm and urbanity, can transfer money from your pocket to the Foundation's and make you feel that he is doing you a favour. It is sad, indeed, that he is in hospital this evening instead of being here as he would have wanted. We wish him a speedy recovery. Next I want to thank His Excellency the Governor for coming here tonight and presenting certificates to the new members of the Foundation. . . Speaking from experience, I can say that a certificate received from his distinguished hands has about it a certain 'value added' aura. This evening Sir Walter is a receiver as well as a presenter and he therefore has earned double thanks. And last, but by no means least, I want to thank the Premier and Mrs Ahern for honouring us with their presence this evening. The Gallery greatly appreciates the fact that the Premier has taken upon himself the Arts portfolio in addition to his other burdens of high office and also that he has publicly announced his support for, and encouragement of, the arts and creativity in Queensland. To borrow a statement once made in another place some distance from here, 'That's one small step for man, a giant leap for mankind'. For that, Sir, we thank you. I now ask you, ladies and gentlemen, to support my vote of thanks in the usual way. 5 Vote of thanks at the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation's Tenth Annual Dinner, Queensland Art Gallery, 7 April 1989 Once again it is my pleasant duty to bring this evening's proceedings to a close by proposing a vote of thanks, on behalf of the Gallery, to all those who have participated in them. There is a lot of thanking to be done. First of all, I should like to thank the people who changed the shape and elevation of the official table. 119