Vew from the chair: Speeches of Richard WL Austin

But these spectacular donors are not the only ones Iwant to thank. I want to thank, with equal warmth, the large number of men and women in this country, many of comparatively modest means, who have, over the years, consistently supported the Gallery. They are, indeed, the rock upon which we have · built our Collection. Next, I want to thank the channel through which so much of our money passes– the Art Gallery Foundation. Under the inspiring leadership, originally of Sir George Fisher, who I am delighted to see is here tonight with Lady Fisher, and now of Sir Bruce Watson, the Foundation plays a vital role in the Gallery's successful development. One corporate member of the Foundation in particular which, by its sponsorship, has made it possible to hold the dinner in the Gallery, is Coopers and Lybrand, and to the Managing Partner of this distinguished firm, Mr Richard Anderson, I should like to convey the Gallery's sincerest thanks. But having said all that about the private sector, I do not forget the part played by the Government, first by maintaining the infrastructure of the Gallery with open– handed generosity-making us, incidentally, the envy of some other galleries not so fortunate-and second, by matching, as both the Premier and Sir Bruce Watson have pointed out, the private dollar in the area of acquisitions. As the leader of that Government, I want to thank the Premier for honouring us with his presence here this evening with Mrs Goss, and for his thoughtful and encouraging words. That he has also assumed the Arts portfolio is a source of satisfaction and pleasure to all of us here at the Gallery. Once again, the Rev. Dr James Spence has bestowed upon our meal a splendid Latin benediction, and I thank him for that. It will have given special pleasure to the Classicists among us whose struggle in youth to master that great and sonorous language has once more been vindicated. And, talking of food, I want ~ thank the members of the Foundation's Hospitality Committee for organising this splendid dinner party with such care and dedication. And last, but certainly not least, Iwant to thank His Excellency, the Governor, who is himself a Member of the Foundation, for coming here tonight with Lady Campbell and presenting the certificates of membership. It is part of our tradition that this should be done by the Governor of Queensland, and Sir Walter has not once failed to be here when the occasion demanded. In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I should just like to remind you that this is the great night of the year for the Gallery, because it is the one night when all those who have the best interest of the Gallery at heart gather together. I thank you all for being here and I ask you to show your appreciation for our benefactors in the usual way. 7 Speech at the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation's Twelfth Annual Dinner, 28 May 1991 Watching the marionettes which have just entertained us so magnificently, it occurred to me that it might be possible, at this late stage of the evening, to fulfil my brief by 122