Vew from the chair: Speeches of Richard WL Austin

Speech 12 Michael Myer; son of Kenneth Myer; and his wife, Ann Gamble Myer; were two of the strongest supporters of the Asia-Pacific Triennial. This important donation is treated in more detail in Speech I 5, this Chapter: Speech 13 Two publications were produced to accompany the exhibition-a catalogue, The First Asia– Pacipc Triennial ofContemporary Art, published by the Gallery; and a book. Tradition and Change: Contemporary Art ofAsia and the Pacipc, published by University of Queensland Press. 2 The venue was the Stanley Street underpass, the road leading to the carpark beneath the Gallery. 3 Mr Austin had spent 1959 and 1960 in Indonesia as an Australian diplomat and later wrote about those experiences in The Shadow ofthe Durian: Indonesia Observed. 4 Kartika Affandi Koberl, daughter of renowned Indonesian artist Affanc;fi, lent the Gallery a major self-portrait by her father for the Triennial opening. It was subsequently purchased by the Gallery. 5 George Petelin, in the Australian, I I Sept. 1993; 'Balance 1990' was an exhibition of the work of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal artists which won much national acclaim for its imaginative treatment of the issues encompassed. It was curated by Michael Eather and Marlene Hall, assisted by Marshall Bell and Lance O'Chin. Speech 14 Conference .convenors were Dr Russell Trood, Director of the Centre for the Study of Australia-Asia Relations, Griffith University, Brisbane; and Dr Caroline Turner; Deputy Director; Queensland Art Gallery. 2 Caroline Turner (ed.), Tradition and Change: Contemporary Art ofAsia and the Pacipc, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1993. This was a major collection of essays by a variety of distinguished Asia-Pacific region authors. The Foreword was written by Professor Wang Gungwu, formerly Professor at the Australian National University, Canberra and Chairman of The Australia China Council from I July 1984 to 30 July 1986, and subsequently Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong. Speech I 3 The role of a State Gallery (I) The 1988 blockbuster exhibitions Also in attendance were the Hon. Mike Ahem, Premier of Queensland, and His Excellency the Ambassador of France. Speech 2 Mr Ahern took over the Arts portfolio on 9 December 1987. 178