Vew from the chair: Speeches of Richard WL Austin

4 The need for private as well as government support [Introduction] I See Chapter 2, Speech 4 for a discussion ofthis fund. 2 For information on the Foundation, see note 3, Chapter 2, Speech 2, as well as following speeches here. Speech I Those present on this occasion included the Premier (Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen), Ministers and other Members of Parliament and Mr Keith Steel and Mr Bryan Kelman, Directors of CSR at the time. Speech S The Hon. Rob Borbidge, MLA. Speech 8 I Minister for the Arts, the Hon. Dean Wells, MLA; Minister for Transport the Hon. David Hamill, MLA Speech 9 I A list of recipients appears in the Gallery's Annual Report 1990-91, p.53. A detailed history of the Society is presented in Friends for Forty Years: History of the Queensland Art Gallery Society 1951-1991 by Patricia Ryan. Speech 17 Bronwyn Mahoney, The Groce Davies and Nell Davies Donation, 1995, p.4. Speech I 5 Outside speeches and miscellaneous speeches I The President at the time was Len Buckley. 2 Mr Austin was invited to be guest speaker at the first Annual Dinner of the Sunshine Coast Branch of the Australia-Japan Society, on 20 March 1992, when he presented a similar address. Present was Mr Shigetaka Ishihara, Consul-General for Japan. In that presentation he added further concluding remarks which have also been included here. Speech 4 I Mr Austin went on to speak of Australia today and of his concerns with present day Australia, concerns echoed in his occasional address at Griffith University. 8 April 1992 (Speech 6, this Chapter). 181