Vew from the chair: Speeches of Richard WL Austin

Speech 6 The Deserted Village, 1770, 1.5 I. Speech 7 I Mr Austin here repeated some of his statements from his occasional address at Griffith University, 8 April 1992 (Speech 6, this Chapter). 6 Personal awards and farewell speeches Speech I I The Courier-Mail, 29 Dec. 1992. 2 Carmen, 70. 3 Carmen, 76.13. 4 Odes, 1.1.25. Speech 2 I These extracts have been taken from 'Postcards: An update on AJS activities', Tomodachi, vol.7, no.3, Aug/Sept 1995, p.26. Speech 3 I See note 2, Chapter 5, Speech I. Speech S I Mr Ted Edwards remained Chairman until 26 June 1996. Mr Ian Callinan, QC was appointed Chairman, together with a new Board ofTrustees, from 27 June 1996. 182