Vew from the chair: Speeches of Richard WL Austin

Coles Myer Limited, Pancontinental Mining Limited, the Stubbies Clothing Company Limited, 30 March 1990 17 Speech to open the exhibition The Grace Davies and Nell Davies Donation', 5 April 1995 s Outside speeches and miscellaneous speeches 'Don't Refuse to Sit on the Floor'. Address to the Australia-Japan Society, I June 1989 2 Speech to open 'Impressions of France' by Raoul Mellish, Brisbane Club, 14 July 1990 3 Speech to open 'Revelation of the Malagans: The Ritual Art of New Ireland', Gold Coast City Art Gallery, I I January 199 I 4 Anzac 1915, Australia 1991. The Mark Hoare Oration, delivered to the Rotary Club of Brisbane Inc. at the Brisbane Club, 24 April 1991 5 A tribute at the service of thanksgiving for the life and work of Guilford Marsh Bell, OBE, 1912-92, Christ Church, South Yarra, Melbourne, 15 January 1992 6 Occasional address at the Graduation Ceremony, Griffith University, 8 April 1992 7 Proud to Be an Australian. Address to Brisbane Legacy, 3 I August 1991 6 Personal awards and farewell speeches Occasional address at the Graduation Ceremony, Griffith University, Faculties of Humanities and Asian and International Studies, on the occasion of the conferral upon him of the degree of Doctor of the University, 2 April 1993 2 Speech at the residence of Mr Asao Tsukahara, Consul-General for Japan, on receiving the Order of the Rising Sun (Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon), 15 July 1995 3 Speech in reply to the Director, at a Queensland Art Gallery reception to celebrate Richard Austin's appointment as an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO), 16 February 1996 4 Vote of thanks, valedictory remarks and introduction of newly appointed Chairman, Mr Ted Edwards, at the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Annual Dinner, I I May 1995 5 Response to speeches by the new Chairman of the Board of Trustees and by the Director, Queensland Art Gallery at a farewell dinner in Mr and Mrs Austin's honour, 25 July 1995 189