Vew from the chair: Speeches of Richard WL Austin

Chinese bronzes and ceramics are important both culturally and aesthetically, but bronze, as a metal, is something more. Throughout the ages, and in many countries, it has acquired an almost mystical significance of its own. When the Roman poet Horace was casting around for some substance with which to compare what he confidently expected would be his own immortality, bronze was the subject he chose. 'Exegi monumentum aere perennius', he wrote in one of his odes-'I have raised a monument more lasting than bronze'. Whether he was right or not remains to be seen. Horace died less than 2 000 years ago and the study of Latin is, sadly, fast diminishing. These bronzes have lived for more than • 000 years and their appeal to the senses is increasing. They will, I believe, go on living and being admired as long as a civilised human being remains on earth. It is appropriate that this exhibition should be opened by the Premier, because it is certainly one of the most important that has ever been staged in this Gallery. We are pleased and proud that he should have agreed to do so and, by doing so, to show once again his support for culture and the arts in general, and for this Gallery in particular. 8 Speech to introduce the Hon. Dean Wells, Attomey-General, Minister for Justice and Minister for the Arts, and the Hon. David Hamill, Minister for Transport and Minister Assisting the Premier on Economic and Trade Development, at the corporate launching of the Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, I ONovember 1992 NOTE: THE ASIA-PACIFIC TRIENNIAL PROJECT WAS LAUNCHED IN 1992. THE GALLERY COMMITTED ITSELF TO THREE EXHIBITIONS IN THE DECADE-IN 1993, 1996 AND 1999- SUPPORTED BY MAJOR CONFERENCES AND PUBLICATIONS. THE AIM OF THE PROJECT WAS TO REVEAL THE DYNAMIC CONTEMPORARY ART OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC REGION WHICH HAD BEEN LITTLE EXPOSED IN AUSTRALIA, AND INDEED IN THE WESTERN WORLD GENERALLY, BECAUSE OF A PREOCCUPATION WITH HISTORICAL ASIAN ART IN THE WEST. THE FIRST AND SECOND EXHIBITIONS ATTRACTED UNPRECEDENTED NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL INTEREST AND ESTABLISHED THE PROJECT AS ONE OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCE, PARTICULARLY WELCOMED IN ASIAN AND PACIFIC COUNTRIES. On behalf of the Trustees and Staff of the Gallery, I should like to extend a warm welcome to all of you and to thank you for coming to this corporate launching of the Asia-Pacific Triennial. This is, without question, the most ambitious and significant initiative the Gallery has eve~ taken. It is a very pleasant but rather unusual duty this evening to introduce at one and the same time two distinguished Ministers of the Crown-my co-host The Hon. Dean Wells, Attorney-General, Minister for Justice and Minister for the Arts, and the Hon. David Hamill, Minister for Transport and Minister Assisting the Premier on Economic and Trade Development. The Gallery is honoured by their presence and their willingness to participate in the launching of the Triennial. 29