Vew from the chair: Speeches of Richard WL Austin

In addition to this donation, you now know from what the Director has just said that Mr and Mrs Michael Myer have decided to make a private donation of their own of $1 SO 000 spread over five years. This is certainly in the Myer tradition of outstanding generosity to cultural causes and I thank them both most warmly for this wonderful donation.' May I close on a personal note. The Myer family are not only great philanthropists, they do many other good deeds. I met my wife at the house of Ken's brother, Bails, and, I am glad to say that as a result, we have been living happily ever after. 13 Speech to thank the Indonesian Ambassador and to introduce the Premier at the opening of the Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 17 September 1993 NOTE: THE FIRST ASIA-PACIFIC TRIENNIAL EXHIBITION OPENED AT THE QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY ON 17 SEPTEMBER 1993. THE EXHIBITION INCLUDED THE WORK OF SEVENTY-SIX ARTISTS FROM TWELVE COUNTRIES AND HONG KONG. PRESENT IN THE OFFICIAL PARTY WERE: THE THEN PREMIER OF QUEENSLAND, THE HON. WAYNE GOSS MLA; MR AUSTIN; GALLERY DIRECTOR DOUG HALL; AND THE INDONESIAN AMBASSADOR, MR SABAM PANDAPOTAN SIAGIAN, WHO DELIVERED A KEYNOTE ADDRESS ON THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TRIENNIAL TO ARTISTS IN THE REGION. OVER FORTY-FOUR ARTISTS FROM THIRTEEN ASIA-PACIFIC COUNTRIES, INCLUDING AUSTRALIA, ATTENDED THE FIRST TRIENNIAL OVER 1500 GUESTS WERE PRESENT AT THE OFFICIAL OPENING. 1 It is with pride as well as pleasure that I address you tonight on behalf of the Trustees of the Gallery. This is, indeed, an historic occasion, unique in the Gallery's history, for it is the first time that an exhibition and the assembly of people here to celebrate its opening could not be contained within the four walls of the Gallery itself. 2 Tonight it falls to me to perform the double duty of thanking His Excellency the Indonesian Ambassador and introducing the Premier, who has graciously agreed to declare the exhibition and the Triennial itself open. I crave the indulgence of those who do not understand Indonesian to allow me to make a nostalgic return to a country in which I spent several happy and rewarding years by saying a few words of thanks to the Ambassador in his own language 3 : Yang terhormat Bapak Dutabesar Sabam Siagian Kami merasa mendapat kehormatan atas kehadiran Bapak malam ini. Kami berterima kasih atas pidato Bapak yang sangat menarik tentang pusat kesenian dan pameran yang diadakan di sini. Kami berterima kasih juga atas kesediaan Bapak untuk menyingkap tabir lukisan diri Affandi, pelukis Indonesia yang terkenal, yang dengan murah hati dipinjamkan kepada kami oleh putri beliau, Kartika Koberl. 35