Vew from the chair: Speeches of Richard WL Austin

Publisher Queensland Art Gallery PO Box 3686 South Brisbane Queensland 410 I Australia © Queensland Art Gallery 1997 This work is copyright Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior permission from the publisher. Speeches have been selected, edited and annotated by Janet Hogan and Caroline Turner. Design is by Elliott Murray. Production is by Janet Hogan and Elliott Murray. Unless otherwise specified, events at which speeches were presented took place in the Queensland Art Gallery, with the exception of the Foundation's Eighth Annual Dinner. Typeset by Typographix Pty Ltd, Brisbane Printed by Screen Offset Printing, Brisbane National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in– Publication data: Austin, RWL. (Richard WL.) View from the chair: speeches of Richard W.L. Austin. ISBN O 7242 7970 9. I. Queensland Art Gallery. 2. Art museums - Queensland. I. Queensland Art Gallery. 11. Title. 708.9943