
VARIETY IN DRAWING SHOW IT was Goethe who said, "Drawings are invaluable 'I not only because they give in its purity the mental intention of the artist, but because they bring immediately before us the mood of his mind at the moment of creation." NO doubt he speaks of the sketch's value in terms of 'the true appreciator. How very often do we find such quick, perhaps Inspired notes from life's activitie.4, eloquent of vitality, feeling and elusive beauty! On the other hand, a fine drawing can be a study --an exploration of realistic facts, or a finished drawing as a port- rait, or, so differently, one which bears symbolic relation. and embodies imaginative or abstract 1:rincipal. Drawing is one of the grand_ spearheads of art- unfortunately debunked by certain moderns who are not capable of following their adored masters in anything but slavish surface imitation. Look through the drawings of the masters and ask the scoffer to do one. Ah, that is now a different story. He at- tempts to barricade himself behind his child -like efforts. otherwise he would suddenly be forced to discover a sprained wrist. It is a matter of regret that drawings so infrequently find the appreciation they deserve, because in themselves they can be very perfect works of art. How well the masters under- stood this fact! Collectors will be well re- --- paid if they acquire the taste for good drawings and ::ketches. As to the value of drawing for students, permit me to re- call Cezanne's words: "One should be master of one's model and certainly of one's manner of expression." Opening tomorrow and con- tinuing for four days only, a show of drawings and water colours arranged by the Half Dozen Group of Artists, will be on view in Finneys Gallery. It is a show in which you will find considerable interest and variety, and, at the same time, some capital works.-JAMES WIENEKE. _ Good Art Show Bye, Half Dozen Group made by Betty Quelhurst. Mrs. Winifred Towers con- centrates on figure work this time, and scores with Three Memmott captures the pie- Women" and "The Game." turesque in the old Thursday Vigorous, colourful and good Island "Boat Shed," and Mrs. is the "Souvenir," a portrait by Mona Elliott shou's Howe* and Melville Haysom. though per- interiors. haps it has a little too much Well designed, cheerful and emphasis in some passages. successful. is Alison Rehfisch's A large canvas, "Sundown On "Still Life and Verbena." Her Sydney Harbour" by Lloyd "Sutton Forest" is good, t o. Rees, is priced at 200 guineas. Restrained colour has been It is a romantic interpretation sensitively painted into "The and a big undertaking. Frankly Mixing Bowl" by Noel Miaow. I did not care for it except in The work has fine feeling. parts. and found it faintly re- Nancy Kilgour findS a colourful miniscent of Sydney's wonder- subject in "After The Race," ful -colour, Mr. Rees also has and I liked her little n small and very charming "Mooring." canvas. in the "Canal At . Among other interesting Werri works are pictures by Dote On a quiet Sunday morn- Harris. Percy Eagles, Miss Bale Mg Frank Sherrin painted his, and George Duncan. St- Mtabourne," and Elvin Harvey exhibits a Col- lection of pottery, and the hand :I printed fabrics are by Alex- !; ands - Mackenzie.' JAMES WIENEKE. WELL up to its usual standard is the 9th annual exhibition of the Half Dozen Group of Artists, opening today at Finney's Gallery. The show is an attractive one, and there are many fine pictures. ' Hand -painted fabrics and pottery have been included. !made a capital job. Jack Pickup V.. K. TOWNSEND shows twmposted out some of his Eng-, water colours. Both are ' lish pictures. I liked the good examples of his painting. Country Lane, Devon," and They are full of beautiful light "River Meary" best. C. G. and colour. Bennett makes a very interest - A char/Mug sketch of "Old ing sketch with "Engine Houses" at Carlton. and a Trouble." sensitive "Portrait Study." 'are There is a rich and dramatlf eloquent of the progress being little 'Landscape" 175) by W. R. Bennett. Mrs. Lillian reder-: sen contributes a sketchy im- pression of a "Wet Day." Ham