
Vnique Art Show Of High Standard THREE well-known Queensland artists, Miss Vida Lahey, Mr. Kenneth Macqueen and Mr. William Bustard, show some 70 pictures in a large and most interesting exhibition of water colours at Finney's Gallery. The show opens today. NEARLY all of Miss Lahey's 9YHERE is a cheerful freedom paintings are flower about the "Quarry," and pieces. and they are painted the sunny little "Coronation Drive" is an admirable sketch. Both these pictures possess in them feeling, a quality lacking in t, number of other works by Mr. Bustard. Undoubtedly his painting is always clean, and he is a sound draughtsman, but I missed the warmth and sympathy I have seen him get at other times. Somewhere between the initial conception and the final execution, too much of the emotional content has been lost.-JAMES WIENEKE. with distinctive and sensitive feeling. She has the ability to achieve fine drawing, some- times detailed. but always freely handled. and to keep the col- our as fresh almost as the flowers themselves. With "Easter Flowers." Miss Lahey shows a work of deli- cate charm and beauty, in a very and simplegresernh.eme of white. gold "White Flowers." too. is a complete success. emphasising a sense of form, design and effec- tive contrast. Other delightful composi- tions are "White Hibiscus." the gay "Pink Hibiscus," the lovely "Roses and Forget -Me - Hots." and the exciting "Tiger Lilies." Pattern and Design REVEALING pronounced feeling for onttern and de- sign Mr. Macqueen usually in- terprets nature in a decorative manner. and his paintings are arrangements of shapes and harmonious colour, conveying through a strong technique his reactions to any sublert that Interests him. He does this remarkably well. and his grasp of our landscape . unquestionable establishes him as one of Australia's finest painters. An excellent exemnle of Mr. MaeQueen's nower with design 's "Ocean Piece." He makes s rhythmic and beautiful pat - ,ern from the breaking waves and skilfully suggests the movement of dancing water. Though the colour in a plc - tire like "Sand Dunes" ap- *eared rather ton cold. and it others certain edges seemed a little harsh, there is a mph compensation in the beautifulh direct "Bribie Beach" ano "Condamine." the competent "Water Hole," the decorative "Farm," and the powerfu "Evening By the Creek." Of Mr. Bustard's pictures. liked best his bold. vig.orou "Little Burleigh Headland: The thrust of this moyahl! bulk of land against the se: and a fine feeling of welch' space and light, reveals II, headland ns an almost inch. structible entity. ARTIST TRIES A DIFFERENT LINE! A large and somewhat different exhibition of 47 paintings in oil and water colour, a number of illuminated pieces, and examples of hand weav- ing, all by Mrs. E. Lilian Pedersen, will be opened tomorrow by Archbishop Duhig in Finneys' Gallery. ' "The Egg Fruit" (oils). , re- veal Mrs. Pedersen's increas- ing sensitiveness and change of approach. Of the small (stares, 'Sun - that the artist is surely leaving the past-exploring, making new discoveries, and gaining :valuable experience from a The variety and quantity of work exhibited by Mrs. Peder- sen will convince any visitor to this show of her industry, sin- cerity. and progress. This pro- gress has not been hasty, but lit Fence" makes a happy., is being developed on a founds- friendly work with its .variety tion of hard, energetic study. of greens and simple compost Her recent pictures show a tion. "Showery Weather," too, distinct change in colour. There has claims to success. Is greater discernment and Another very interesting, breadth of handling, though at little one is "Peasant Drei,." times she is a little too con- broadly painted and with good scious of drawing. This results suggestion of form. It Is, I lin hard edges and a certain think, more successful than the lack of atmosphere, larger work of similar title. Possibly there are too many pictures. and some could have more balanced show. But the dens Things" The arrangement of "Pre - 'been eliminated to make a is unusual, and! earlier works in company with viewing of this collection of the careful painting and rich Pre - the recent experiments shows colour 'reminds one of the Raphaelites. "Cultivation Near Ipswich" appeared much too cut up in tone and .lacked quality of colour. Colour, however. was very much bet - Graceful Rhythm wide variety of subject matter. ter in "Fruit," and "Rose of Sharon and Ruby Jug." An entirely different picture is "Spotted Scarf and Spider Shell." It has an elusive and interesting quality which coil* be the forerunner of another phase of this enthuslasi# artist's development:-JAMESWIENEKE, In "Dutch Plate and Seed Pods" she puts aside her line and colour method in favour of a stronger palette, and paints one of her most, success- ful water colours. There is a graceful sense of rhythm throughout the design and harmony of colour boldly ap- plied. Both "Fading Beauty" and Unusual Arrangement.