Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

L'7 F11111.4 1111'.11 N1All II 11111 II H i I 11.;ligland's timilerit itrt is sure to) set longues ictigging II is very fortunate that the work of modern 'sing the Nat ionol Gallery should have been finished in time for the exhibition of the Massey collection of Ii to I i.,11 con- temporary pointing which opens there to -morrow. It fa filling Iliiil such H flio and important collection mloollit he no nuitably housed. The collection consists of woa. by actista who have made then 111111'ks (VII' the Iasi 50 to 00 Yew ., It move!, from Haler! and titres to Sutherland ii1H1 MOure, and Own, it fairly advfitlatr IMmv:,,I0/1 of I ill illo..i.olvills III 1.11110101 III WTI IIII pplitigi Si k''' 1 I., I, iiri".ented by 'bleu work,, inchnliny, hl', well-known "Old Itetifind.' 'Mat floe um - trail, painter, Alanisitis John. Inis eight-all fine "mil in Mtraw Hal- tool "Alloida- making Most appeal Lo me. I found "Hevero Valley" by Wil- lson Meer. disaimoiotoor but not so his "Lime Kiln" and "Edge of the Cliff." Star.ley Spencer Is finely rep- resented by a most likeable self - portrait Mils and 1.swren,e GowIns'a "Andrew rakebread." In niv opinion. top the -traits', and superbi% so wItli "Mar/IIIIIA Odnev ( tub." and "Marsh Meadows." This last is hung iii tie" : a life, bay as two other wotkb that most atm) be teemed uperb, 'I be v We THE MASSEY COLLECTION 11t111 N11h11.11 "1/y1111011m1 h hien, nod "Vole of the White 1110.i, Ord nod air oven ett011,. (hink, taker. to., I boo,, l. II 1111' I1' 11 Atilt, Monte, 111111ii. Viper, 1111. heir., I in! hei hind, ittid :booth It 1111 1111111111' 11111',1'. L amt Mood 1111114', Igo Iniae of 'loll ho lot,. dotal! Ihvit- Will It 1111111 We-, Ihr 11111 I I 1.IIL 111,IV,1111111' Ill I.:1101111d Ii11110.1. I Ohl 011.11 gluir1.1.1 'Ebro,- are liner hplcoillel 111L'1 '4o 1101 /111111, 1111. (;11111'1Y'h 11W11, III the Iruut Ini*), 111111 101111 11111.1'S "flown. of 1001100111" 111 a Illtirlong 11111ns, 1/111-1. /Well /11.Vr1 to be Mullienland 0011 MnolIi II1Hy Mimed the of the 00101111,0 linuu.1111111./e IstiikeNties may Make. inirileithile omorliI lit rew and be civet Ity)ket1 by lie.' mu now- frill pat,s by the Arn)th eanvanrs With It elallifirY ;Ounce. 'They'll slop and wok " 11:(11;ere is lovely LOW 110 11114M In has lather gross11itured "Ice None," sYlille lip, beauty f:oloot and design Ill 'and;, yvero," will snake Itself pvieteot If the Relatei VItrYikti hum the oirindilta bay There are warty littler 'allure* id I 1, II e 1114 holing a I111/ Obis MI le.tov alai the leolool. 01,111..4 111111111 '' IIY 11111'111 .10111',, I toot inn. ealtlIalloos Ili, 11111,1 inlinulislIng lit Ihr Nevis's' I..1111 111111111. 111% VC 111111 Iii 11.1'01 00000 111114 II will be on vb.* Ion five weeks when 11 will lie Hike,' ill 110 illliessiirlit I IH 1)1(1111,1',intimate Consols! --1.A1111,11111tANII. Seen y 1500 With a a.0), ,1110 peon people havewitfread rfren Muoael art hello, the Nellooul Art, ria ,ry Mire tali,,,Pis it iogwis bait s [tiro. 1 y Isla the As( y M- y Ca if iptoll 11,h 1.4 Yokt Pay 'n /AV, 1111', 1:01, 11:11,1/1.411.. etrf. 19, 1914