Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

TI '1:SDAY, THE COI HIER-MAIL SEP'F. 12. 1950 100 guineas gift to Art Gallery 'THE opening of the re- modelled Queensland National Art Gallery has been. followed up by It generous gesture on the pa: of one of Queensland's leading com- panies. The Gallery has re- ceived from Thomas Brown & Sons Ltd. the following letter: "I was glad to have the op- portunity last night of at- tending the opening of the remodelled Gallery. I enclose herewith cheque for 100 guineas, being rt dona- tion from Thomas Brown & Sons Ltd. I would like the amount used for the purchase of one pic- ture or towards the purchase of one picture. With all good wishes." The Trustees of the Queens- land National Art Gallery are most grateful to Thomas Brown & Sons Ltd. for this donation which they feel is a recognition of their efforts to provide Queensland with a Gallery wortreat State. It mayh y of be thatthis other companies and individuals might desire to assist, and if so, any amounts forwarded to the Honorary Treasurer, Queensland National Art Gal- ° lery, Gregory Terrace, Brls- bane, would be devoted to the up of worthy national art collection.-E. A. 0 Ferguson Chairman of True- ' tees, Qid. National Art Gallery. NIEDNESDAY, THE COURIER-MAIL, SEPT. 13. 1930 £25 GIFT TO GALLERY THE Queensland National Art Gallery has received Its second large gift since the gallery was remodelled. The gallery director (Mr. Robert Campbell) said yester- day that £25 had been received from 'runleys Pty., Ltd., Bris- bane bag manufacturers. The money was to be used for or towards the purchase of B. pic- t ure. "We can do with the money." said Mr. Campbell. "Such donations are what the gallery needs." On Monday the gallery trus- tees chairman (Mr. E. A. Fer- guson) announced that 100 guineas had been received from Thomas Brown and Sons,/ Ltd., to buy a picture or to go towards the cost of one. 11111i,111111111.1111111,11.1111111111tioillimmumilli111111111111111i11.41 THURSDAY, THE Art ESS1 Ltd., are to 1, donation! lery. N4. made, w i ing by oo through 'C I am public st/i citizens who wou a fund: 141 land Cu ( lead by the pubs show out helping Upon the thing! I am 11;i for £25 .4 appreciat and gene for art.- City. T he pass on National donatiort of new