Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

AVEDNESDA1', THE COL SIERMA1L, SEPT. 13, 1950 THE Queensland National Art 1 Gallery has received its second large gift since the gallery was remodellod. The gallery director (Mr. Robert Campbell) said yester- day that £25 had been received from Tunleys Pty., Ltd., Brisit bane bag manufacturers. Thel money was to be used for or, towards the purchase of a pic- ture. "We can do with the money." said Mr. Campbell. "Such, donations are what the gallery needs." On Monday the gallery trus- tees chairman (Mr. E. A. Fer- guson) announced that 100 guineas had been received from Thomas Brown and Sons, to buy a picture or to go towards the cost of one. 1111111111t1111101111111111111111111111111111111111.111111 . ! 0:11';, liSDAY. THE (All BUR 11,111, SEPT. I t. 1 r)10 Art gallery donations ESSRS, Thomas Brown & Solis Ltd:, and Tonleys Pty., Ltd.. ;ire to be commended for their donations to the National Art Gal- lery. Now that a start has been made, why not keep the ball roll- ing by opening a subscription list through The Courier -Mail. I am sure that there are many public spirited and art interested citizens throughout Queensland who would gladly subscribe to such A fund: and now that the Queens- land Government has given us a lead by remodelling our gallery, we. the public of 'Queensland, should show our appreciation by giving a helping hand-and not depend upon the Government for every- thing! I am happy to enclose my chequr for £25 as a small token of my appreciation of what the Director and gallery committee have done for art.-"Citizen," Queen Street. City. [The Courier -Mail will gladly pass on to the trustees of the National Gallery any further . donations towards the purchase of new pictures.-Ed. C. -M.1 L r l f f t t ( i