Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

00) FI/011 CANADA LOAN ART DISPLAY First loan exhibition in the remodelled Queensland No- tional Art Gallery-the Hon. Vincent Massey collection -- will be open to the public on Friday. The remodelled gallery will be officially opened to -morrow. Mr. Daryl Lindsay. the Mel - 'I urne Art Gallery director. -aid yesterday that the exhibi- tion In Australia of the Vincent Massey collection had been made possible by the Canadian Government and the generos-, ity of the Carnegie Institute.' Australian galleries had only to pay fur Inter -state trans- port. In Melbourne about 40.000 people saw the collection In less than three weeks. The collection. which will fill nine bays of the Queens- land gallery, represents n cross section of British paintings over the last 50 N'oRl'S. Directors' talks The- two-day conference In Brisbane of the directors of Australian National art gal- leries ended yesterday. The Queensland National Art Gallery Trust chairtnan (Mr. E. A. Ferguson) said last night that the directors had discussed the selection of ex- hibitions to be obtained from overseas for showing in Aus- tralia next year and in 1952. Conference also discussed loans of exhibitions between Australian galleries. New gallery THE Queensland National Art Gallery is now showing a collection of modern British paintings which few galleries in Britain can match. Bria- r) bane art lovers who would not I have time to visit the gallery during the day are being given an opportunity of viewing the pictures on week nights. Those who take advantage of it will be thankful to the gallery trustees. They will also discover that Brisbane now has an art gallery for which no apologies need be =de. The alterations carried out under the direction of Mr. Robert Campbell will make the gallery well worth a visit when it showis again the State's permanent collection of pictures. MASSEY COLLECTION OF ENGLISH PAINTING. The QuernOsini National Art Gal Icry will be open on the nights 01 Thntsday. 5th October, an -1 Tuesday the 10th October, tram 7-10 p.m A Talk will be Given he the Inset tot nn the Inch al g pm .Deal t of mo The Natin Director (MI bell) will ler to the Mast Contemporat the Gallery .) rhe visitor of the Quect Dumb Missy will be for I it only. Mr. Camp be translal language 10, Aubrey aik Landes:;.