Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

lery National Ow showing tern British W galleries itch. Brits - o would not the gallery being given viewing the ights. advantage ful to the 'They Brisbane allery for s need be ns carried tion of Mr. will make l rth a visit again the collection ION OF rING. Art GO nighty .11 t I Turt,Ittv 1-10 p.m Itv Ihr l R p of modern art The National Art Gallery Director (Mr. Robert Camp-, bell) will lecture deaf visitors ,to the Massey Collection of Contemporary English Art at the Gallery on Tuesday night. The visitors will be members of the Queensland Deaf and Dumb Mission. The lecture will be for the deaf and dumb only. Mr. Campbell's lecture will be translated into sign ' language for them by Mr. Aubrey and Miss Yvonne Landers. What is art? I have seen the Massey!: collection of pictures in the Art Gallery and am not atTill impressed. There are some good pictures. some bad pic- tures and some which are so wanting in all the finer points of the painter's ant diet it would have been better if they had never been exhibited I vas taught that the basic nrinciple 01 all art was beauty and truth. The ancient Greek iiitects and sculptors' ,aired on these lines and ic,,duced those wonderful ..iroples which have never excelled. "Design with beauty. build in truth" is the motto of the Royal Instionc of British Architects. It does not matter what ',Imo) of painting is followed. ;illy departure from these', h.c,ie principles makes art decadent. . The "Family Group" now being shown in the Massey collection Is surely atrocious. Others are such al jumble that what the artdsL means is impossible to under-;: stand and would seem-hardi . even for the artist himself to yl explain. If examples such as' these tire held up as works of', art to -be followed by our local students the future of art in Queensland is decidedly poor. BR16BANE TELEGRAPH, TUESDAY, OCT. 10, 1950. Art instruction WANT to say how much I appreciate Mr. Robert Camp- bell's Instructive talks at the Art Gallery, in connection with the current exhibition of the Massey collection. All art students could benefit considerably from the interesting material brought forwai Cl. and it will not be Mr Campbell's fault if there Is not an ,insurge in art appreciation in Qii,:"nsland.--- (Mrii.1 13. Harrington, Astigii,-e.