Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

r rI BRISBANE T1:LE(iitA1311, Wi-.1./NESDAY, FEB. 7, 1951 - Painting for VII. gallery An oil painting by one of the seven leading Aus- tralian artists commissioned to produce a major work for the Commonwealth Jubilee celebrations has been bought by the Queens- land National Art Gallery trustees and is now on dis- play The picture. entitled "Sun- down on Sydney Harbour," is by Queensland painter Lloyd Rees. The price of 125 guineas was paid from gifts by Thomas Brown and Sons. Ltd.. and Tunleys Ltd. The chairman of trustees Mr. E. A. Ferguson) today said that the work was per- 'haps one pf the most import- ant gallery pictures painted In the last year, or so. The painting, which was 91 in. by 30 in., was rich and mellow in colour. giving a subtle effect of fading light on Sydney Harbour. "It is an outstanding work which art lovers will enjoy," he said Lloyd Rees. who now lives n Sydney. received his early art training at the Brisbane Technical College and latee studied in London and Rome. lie won the Wynne art prize for landscapes in Sydney last month. , 7 Bought For 4( Gallery Mr. Robert Campbell, Director of the Queens- land Notional Art Gallery inspects the gallery's latest pur- chase "Sundown on Syd- ney Harbour" by Queensland pain ter Lloyd Rees.