Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

MODERN HOME FOR ART BRISBANE'S dowdy, old-fashioned a r t gallery has been given a face-lift. Ugly turnstiles, Victorian era oric-a-brac, guard rails, and wire -hung paintings have dis- appeared. Since May, workmen have been modernising the gallery. The remodelled gallery will be opened officially on Sep- tonber 7 by the Education Minister iMr. Decries). Greer, & clean Art enthuisiasts will be aston- ished to see:- Fluorescent lighting. A grey -green colour scheme. Brightness and cleanliness. The 50f1. high ceiling has been replaced with a false ceiling suspended from a wire grid 15f1. above the floor. The gallery has been divided into four bays, coloured terra cotta grey and hessian -walled. Massive vestibule stairs have been eliminated, and the en- trance way tiled. Peer without tears Paintings will be widely spaced and hung at eye level - Neck -craning was necessary be- fore. Accommodation for paintings has been increased by at least 50 per cent., and public accom- modation by 20 per cent. The formerly used upper floor will be devoted to work and storage. The gallery director t Mr. Robert Campbell) said last night: "Use of fluorescent lighting, excluding the natural light, has not been undertaken in an Australian gallery before. It Is one of the few modern galleries in Australia." Queensland University Pro- fessor of Architecture (Profes- sor R. P. Cummings) said the design was developed from a miniature scale model. The remodelled artgallery was purely temporary. Mr. E, A.Ferguson said last night, Mr. Ferguson Is chairman of the trustees of the Queensland National Art. Gallery, He added: ''The trustees feel that the public will shortly see a transformed art gallery in Brisbane." THURSDAY, THE COURIER-31AM. AUGUST 31. 1950 A RT:oys' F -61k RENOVATIONS QJLENSLUDATIONNL cLosED UNTIL, FURTHER NOTICE , THIS sign has been hanging outside the THE GALLERY has been closed to undergo a "face-lift." This preview of one section shows how the gallery will look. The Gallery Director (Mr. Robert Campbell), left, and Mr. Stan Vorley experimented yesterday with th- kong- ing of a group of paintings of eye -level.