Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

"THE CYPRIOT" GOING ON STATE TOURI '1)' BRISBANE, TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1951 ORKMEN east a wonder. ing eye on William Bobell'a painting, "The Cypriot." as they loaded it on to the Jubilee Art Train in Brisbane yesterday with 50 other paintings for a nine-month tour of Queens- land. Art gallery on wheels "THESE are 51 of the finest Australian paint- ings from the Queensland Art Gallery," the gallery director (Mr. Robert Camp- bell) said yesterday. Mr. Campbell was super- vising Instalment of the paintings in the train of four coaches, specially - equipped by the State Gov- ernment at a cost of £5000, for its tour bf Queensland centres. There are two art gal- lery cars. one car for a model library and exhibi- tion of photographs, and a car with living accommoda- tion for the staff who will travel with the display. The train is equipped with fluorescent lighting and fans, for which power is supplied either by genera- tors given by the Brisbane City Council, or from local town supplies where the train is stopped. BEST LIGHTING Art lecturers and libra- rians from the Department of Public Instruction will comprLse the staff during the tour. The train will be offici- ally opened by the Premier (Mr. Hanlon) next Monday afternoon at Roma Street Station. The pictures being taken have been insured for about £4000, and will probably be Linder police guard through- out the tour.