Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

1, (c, SEE IT TO -DAY Dargie Prize is here WILLI A 51 Dargie's 1950 Archibald Prize- winning portrait will be hung in The Courier - Mail art panel this after- noon. The Courier -Mall brought the portrait by air to Bris- bane yesterday with 20 other of Cie finest paintings entered in last year's Archi- bald and Wynne art con- tests. The Archibald prize- winner will hang with two selected companion pic- tures on the panel in The Owl-ler-Mail vestibule. Other paintings will be shown, under Courier -Mail sponsorship, in a special exhibition at the National Art Gallery. Finest paintings This is the second suc- cessive year in which The Courier -Mail has brought Australia's finest contem- porary portrait and land- scape paintings to Queens- land people. Last year it made Aus- tralian art history by sponsoring the first exhib- ition of the competition pictures outside New South Wales Galleries, The National Art Gallery director (Mr. Robert Camp- bell) went to Sydney to select the pictures for this year's exhibition. , Gargle's prize-winner Is a portrait of Sir Leslie J. McConnan, chief manager of the National Bank of Australasia. After this afternoon it will be on display daily in The Courier -Mail's panel *from 8.30 a.m. to 11 pm. C'OUR R .11A /L. TEWRS., MARCH 22, 1931. WINNER of the 1950 Archibald Prize, William Dargie's portrait of Sir Leslie J. McConnan, being unpacked by J. L. Colclough after arrival in Brisbane by air yesterday. It will be shown in The Courier -Mail vestibule art panel to -day. THE COCRIER-MAIL THURS., MARCH 29, 1951. Gallery display of prize entries A special display of entries in the 1950 Archibald and Wynne prize competitions will be held at the National Art Gallery next week for three weeks. Paintings for the display, under the sponsorship of The Courier-Mail, were specially, chosen by the gallery director' (Mr. Robert Campbell). The display will include Wil- liam Dargie's Archibald Prize nortrait of Sir Leslie J. McCon- nan, chief manager of the National Bank of Australasia. The Dargie portrait will he shifted to the National (..lallery nn Friday afternoon from The Courier-Mail vestibule art panel, where it will be replaced by a portrait of the Prime Min- ister (Mr. Menzies) by Sydney artist W. E. Pidgeon.