Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

THE COURIER -MAIL. THURS., JULY 12, 1951. Gallery Society Give aid to art QUEENSLAND will soon have a National Art Gallery Society. A provisional commit- tee of five Brisbane citi- zens was anpointed by a meeting of more than 100 art lovers at the gal- lery yesterday. They are: Messrs. J. Farnsworth Hall, Loon Trnut, E. S. Cornwall, and C. L. Harden. and Dr. Bruce Barrack. They will present a draft constitution and proposals to a meeting to be held on Wednesday week. "Many gapsn The chairman of the gallery trustees (Mr. E. A. Ferguson). who pro- posed the formation of the society, said that although the gallery had 300 oils and 150 water- colours. there were many gaps in the collection. Some people had better private collec- tions of Australian watercolours. He suggested that the society could bring people together to see paintings and hear art talks, as was done by the Vic- torian National Gallery Society, which had more titan 1000 members. Big chance The National Art Gal- lery director Mr. R. Haines) said Queens - lenders had the oppor- tunity to make their gallery the best in Aus- tralia and the finest modern gallery in the Southern Hemisphere. The Governor (Sir John TAFIVR rack I de- scribed thn move as a new birth of art in this part of the world. THE COURIER -MAIN, THURS., JULY 26, 1951. , Closing gallery for alteration The Queensland National I Art Gallery will be closed from to -morrow until Aug- ust 6. The gallery director (Mr. Robert Haines) said yester- day this was necessary to complete alterations before the Jubilee Exhibition of Australian Art opened there on August 18. The exhibition would be the greatest collection of Australian art ever as- sembled. Mr. Haines said. Jubilee art competition en- tries, to be judged in pri- vate on August 16-17, would be on show in the upstairs gallery. AT GALLERY PARTY. - Captain Brion Johnstone, who retires as the Gov- ernor's A.D.C. this week, chats with his wife Mar- jorie at the National Art lellery party last night. ,.....nk ams 1i13.1613ANE '1E1.1..GIZAP11. '1HURSDAY. JULY 1J 19J1. ART SOC I ETV 11011111111 A NationalArt Ga 1 le r.% Society with an object 01 bringing people together to see. paintings and hear art talks.: . will be formed in Queensland soon A meeting of 100 net lovers. who met at lite gallery formed a provisional commit- tee of five to get the Project started 'Illhey will present a draft constitution and proposals to t meeting to be held on Wed- nesday week. The elmirman of the gal- lery trustees (Mr. E. A. Fer- guson( proposed the forma- tion of the society. Although the gallery had 300 oils and 150 water colours, he said. there were sonic private W)dI- vidttals in Australia who had an even heltei collection of Australian water colours The provisional committee consists of Messrs. J Farns- worth Hall. Leon Trout, E. S Gornfrall, C. L. Harden and Dr. Bruce Lincrack Boost to art A meeting of "friends" at the Queensland Art Gallery last night approved the con- stitution for a National Art Gallery Society of Queens- land. A provisional executive of five will carry on until the society holds its first gen- eral meeting on November t 30. The society's object is to stimulate and sustain pub- lic interest in the gallery. 1