Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

:FLOW: 'I he exterior of the train is attractively finished, as this picture si 411 the attendants who will travel on the tr tin are cleft to rights: Miss NM the library section: Mr. George Coates. of the Art and Genera/ section. and garet Waugh. of 't ".".- r -" 1. r - (2, yourol IjAtkv, ye The interior of the carriage containing the library, Is lined with books. . hook, are photographs b) Brisbane's professional and amateur photogr ART TO THE m.c)1J.TnineBnionAths,CtourKtotakear, '-iE Jubilee Art Train will leave Bri,bane this to the outback people of Queensland. The train, which has been specially fitted, wto carry paintings, a model children's library, and photographs by top-line professional and amateur photographers. Iltild.11111111.11111101141.11,1011,1111114111111111011111111111111114111111111,114111.11 iiiiiiiiiii 111111111114110111111 11111111110111.111111111111111.,11114111111111111i1111111114.111.1111111011111111011111111 wwWI itck ABOVE: Another %len of the library, showing the way in which everything has been neatly fitted into the coaches. Here Miss Pam Reid admires some of the work of Brisbane Photographers. BELOW: Visitors to the train show great Interest in the section of children's hooks which have come from all over the world.