Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

THE Queensland Art Gallery board of trustees has confirmed a previous recommendation that Mr. James Wieneke, 60, be appointed the new director. The recommendation has been with +.e Education Minister for some time, and has been awaiting , clarification of certain points on conditions. Mr. Wienwke has been director of the Moreton Galleries in ;pm 91 THE COUR ER L WEDNESDAY MAY 3 1967 3 WIENEKE POST IN ARC GALLERY NOW (CONFIRMED i Brisbane since 1951. He studied at the Technical College and has I conducted several one-man shows, , MR. WIENEKE . . . Pending the final, de- (and will be most fortun- "I have never had ans. 1 i -"Huanii""s chni"." vision by the State Gov- ate In obtainIn the aer- interest in any gallery in vices of Mr. W eneke be- Queensland. *I have never' (111Fr. ernment, it is not known cause be has qualifications traded in paintings and I possessed by few directors have no intention or trod.' whether Mr. Wieneke of public art galleries. tog In paintings. I buy will retain the Moreton "He is a competent. for my own collection." Galleries. practical, well -trained and widely experienced artist and art critic with a pro- found knowledge of Aus- tralian art and Australian artists. Yesterday Mr. Wieneke declined to comment on the news of his recommen- dation by the State Gal- lery trustees. On Monday two trustees resigned in protest over the appointment of a new director for the gallery. They are former Archi- tecture Professor R, P. . Cummings and aitist- ,,, Mayo.sculptress Miss Daphne Confirmation of the re- commendation to appoint Mr. Wieneke was made at a meeting of the trustees on Monday night. Unanimous Announcing the decision yesterday, the trustees chairman (Sir Leon Trout) said the trustees were un- animous in their recom- mendation. and the terms of Mr. Wieneke's appoint- ment were agreed to in the most friendly way. 'Miss Mayo and former Professor Cummings were not at the meeting.( Sir Leon said: "Queens - President of the Queens- laud branch of the Con- temporary Art Society (Mr. Hoy Clitirchen said yen- terday that the manner In which the Queensland Art r 'Knows value' Gallery trustees the appointment of had gon(,, "He knows the value of a new director was "coin - paintings, which is so im- pietely undemocratic." portant and essential He said It was astonish - money, when spending public that an individual "His ties are in Bris- within the trustees could bane and his family and wield such strong influence. other appointments, home are here, so he won't be worried about using his position as a convenience to obtain "He has handled staff successfully and knows the practical requirements of the gallery. "Furthermore, he is a man of the highest moral character, highly respected and esteemed, both in artis- tic and commercial circles. "His appointment will bring hundreds of his friends to the gallery, seeking his opinion, advice and assistance, which he gives now." Did not know Sir Leon said that the resignations of Miss Mayo and former architecture Professor Cummings ware not known to the trustees Inn Monday evening, as ,they were submitted to the Minister. Until the trustees saw the resignations they could not comment on them. Sir Leon said the pos- ition of the Acting Dir- ector (Miss Robyn Hill) was also discussed at Mon- day's meeting and by un- animous resolution she was severely reprimanded for her refusal to perform her normal duties. (It is understood that recently Miss Hill refused to send certain paintings to Government House on the ground that they be- longed to the public and should be available at all' times.l Miss Hill could not be, contacted last night. It is understood that she ten- dered her resignation about two months ago. that it was accepted by the Acting Education Min- ister (Mr. Welke -Petersen) last month and that her notice expires In about two months Denial Sir Leon Trout strongly denied that he had a financial interest in the Moreton Galleries. He had been asked to comment on a report that ho had such an interest, He said: "Anyone who makes that allegation is \completely irresponsible. nnd If he will be manly enough to announce him- self-which will publiclyhe call hitm an unmitigated liar.