Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

ATI tional Art Gallery staff, hangs a The official opening of the new Thursday. TUESDAY. THE COURIERMAIL. SEPT. 5, 1950 ART NEWS of all States was exchanged when art gallery directors met at a party at Lennons last night. Left to right: The N.S.W. art gallery Director (Mr. Hal Missingham ) chatted with Mr. Devries (Queensland Education Minister), Mr. E. A. Ferguson (Queensland Art Gallery Trust Chairman), and Mr. Dor I Lindsay (Melbourne Gallery Directoi) I ART WAS TOPIC FOR DIRECTORS PleasedI, by new gallery QU IEENSLA ND'S "new" Art gallery %ill% praised yesterday b two isiting southern art gal- lery directors, Mr. Daryl Lindsay (Melbourne) and Mr. Hal Mis4,ingliam (Sydney). ' - With Mr. James Cook, direc- tor of the Perth art gallery, Itiey are attending a conference ,f interstate gallery directors Brisbane. Yesterday the visitors were hown over the modernised Queensland art gallery by the llery director, Mr Rob:. t Campbell. The gallery will be officially Hiened on Thursday. ('II INGE" Mr. Missingham :aid: The m::dernising has made a very big difference. The colour nherne is attractive. and I in - end to m id .:ame of the points featured to the Sydney trt;Itr'..els.indsay said: I was here' 18 month, ago, and I did not think >itch a change was. possible. If I know Mr. Camp -1 hell. tin, is only the beginninA of uplifting Ow standard in Queensland. Mr. Lindsay added that art galleries should be "one jump attend of the public," as their iiirpose was to serve as a guide to public appreciation of art. At yesterday's conference! se:.sioo. the directors worked on ,itineraries of overseas mull Interstate exhibitions for 1951: