Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

NFRIDAY. THE: COURIER.MA1L. SEPTEMBER 8. 195'n ART FOR OUTBACK Plans to take appreciation of art to outback school- children were ready, the Edu- cation Minister (Mr. Decries) said last night. The State Government planned to move the Art Gal- lery nearer the city at the first opportunity. Mr Devrles was speaking at the opening of the remodelled Queensland National Art Gal- lery. It was intended to send valu- able paintings to outback schools, including Longreach, to encourage art appreciation, he said. He hoped the Government appropriation to the gallery would be doubled. Have big plans The gallery director (Mr. Robert Campbell) said exhibi- tion of pictures at the re- modelled gallery would be the greatest ever shown in Bris- bane. Plans for next year's ex- hibitions were the most ambiti- ous since the Art Gallery opened in 1895. They included a valuable French exhibition and an exhibition of contem- porary English watercolours. Next year the Commonwealth Jubilee exhibition of Austra- lian art would be displayed. The Education Director - General (Mr. Edwards; said the Queensland National Art Gallery was among the lowest endowed in Australia. Some wealthy patrons were needed to endow the gallery with enough money to allow acquisition of art treasures. CITY SITE IS GALLERY AIM A proposal to transfer the present Art Gallery to a more central and convenient site nearer the heart of the city is in the mind of the Goeein- ment. The Minister for Educatim +Mr. Devriesu revealed tht test nignt when he opened tht remodelled gallery. However, this move is nut possible at the present tim as the more urgent. needs of housing and other essential works must receive priority, Mr. Decries said. Mr. Devries added: 'Tot the present we must snake the best of the opportunity atluirded by our present State in the Art Gallery building to arrange and display pictures which will give pleasure and stimulate artistic appreciation and perception in the be- holder." The Minister said that we we beginning to realise in- creasingly as a community that art has an important part to play in our cultural He said it was the GoVern- meut's aim and desire to have In Queensland ass art gallery emin..ntly worthy of t le State and lis people, q ver ;AL I (1,11,14E111' I 1114r 'OPENING * Mesdames 1.. D. Edwards, E viewing the oil Dunkirk Bead remodelled Notional Art Gan Education (Mr. Devriesi off, r. Is one of the most prominent ii art and is by /