Wieneke Archive Book 2 : Queensland National Art Gallery (Director: James Wieneke) 1950-51 Presscuttings

e. FRIDAY. THE COI SrPTEMIIER B. 1950 ART CRITICS: Miss Jencpber Saxton, Brisbane student art- ist, d.scusses the merits of "Day Fighter," a striking painting by Paul Nash. with Mr. Quentin Hole, who has just returned from a pointing tour of North Queensland, at the Queensland Notional Art Gallery party last 411 night. Art gallery reopened with party SOME of the colours in the paintings round the walls of the newly remodelled National Art Gallery were re -.11., peated in the frocks worn by. the feminine guests who at tended the official re -opening of the gaiter last night. This was preceded by a fork dinner, at which the Chairmen of the Gallery Trustees, IMr. Edgar Ferguson, and Mrs. Fer- iguson were host and hostess. Mrs. Ferguson wore a short coat of sable -coloured I ur aver her deep larkspur blur moire tat I eta, which was fashioned with a gigantic bow high on ' the right shoulder. Mrs. Decries. wife of the Minister for Education, wore black lightly touched with let. Slender silhouette frock of striped black and silver with touches of green, enlivened with red carnations was the choice !of Mrs. Robert Campbell, wife of the Director of the Gallery Mrs. Robert Cummings, whose husband. Professor Cummings is one of the gallery trustees. chose black with touches of silver at the shoulder and waistline. Mrs. M. S. Herring allied with a black skirt a bodice of water green, closely beaded in crystal. Mrs. S. Proctor (Wandon. St. George) wore silver fo.r furs with a lightly jetted frock and feather. trimmed dinner hat. Others present were Mr. ano Mrs. L. D. Edwards, Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Duhlit, Mr. and Mrs John Cooper, Mr and Mrs. W. G. Grant. Mr. Prank Sherrie and his daughter June, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lancaster, Mt. and Mrs. C. G. Gibbs, Profes;or and Mrs. J. J. Stable, Profrosor and Mrs. F. W. Robinson, Miss Vide ahey, Miss M. Plddington. Wftl'a-1 ADMIRING I PORTRAIT * Mk, June .11ierrin. daugh- ter of Mr Frank sherrin. president of the Ilalf Hormi Groins of Artists. and NI1r,. ildIllireS a self our - trait of thr artist by the doweled .1tigustus holm in the 31asst.y volleellon at llo opening of tire remodelled .1 Art I