Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

NEXT SHOW MID -WINTER EXHIBITION 13th AUGUST the ART of JOHN ON VIEW AT THE MORETON GALLERIES A.M.P. CHAMBERS, EDWARD ST. FROM JULY 30 to AUGUST 10, 1962 1`1. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO AN EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS BY JOHN ROWELL, F.R.S.A. 30 JULY - 10 AUGUST 1962 g n rk to al ne rie e Is ,er ng ice 'ng al- int irst 'ice th- ce t._ Illy in ate dge ,ese ght :est The ART of JOHN ROWELL On View at the MORETON . GALLERIES BUILDING . (WARDA.M.P. IT., BRISSANI. is art for all .,By FREDERIC ROGERS JOHN ROWILL is an artist with en Intimate knowledge of the anatomy of nature. Even more artistically important is his sym- pathetic understanding of her many moods. Since his last °Alba- tIon In Brisbane three years ago, Mr. Rowell has been around-Into Au- tralia's lush green Pas- toral valleys, by her rug- ged coastline, and into her forbidding centre. The results of this com- munion with the outdoors are to be seen in his show opening tomorrow at the Moreton Galleries-a show to delight the eye of those who still believe that a painting need not require analytical explanation to be enjoyed and appre- ciated. Tang of bush Whether it be in "Coun- try Town," with its genuine atmosphere of a sleepy outback village, in "The Slipway." in which the artist has somewhat departed from his custo- mary technical style, in "Coastal Storm," with its menacing sky, or in "Blackboys," that almost carries with it a tang of the bush, there is a sin- cerity in all the work that will make it somewhat nostalgically attractive to both the man who likes something he can under- stand, and the more sophisticated art -lover who can appreciate a sound technique. There is nothing ab- stract about Mr. Rowell's art-it Is a sensitive set- ting down on canvas of the scenes that appeal to all who enjoy and appre- ciate the natural beauties of thia great country. MORETON GALLERIES A.M.P. BUILDING, EDWARD ST., BRISBANE. Phone: 2 4192 tla