Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

FREDERIC BATES is a young Sydney artist who has had very considerable suooess in the South. He has won a number of impressive awards including a Dunlop rrise, 19541 roman Pries, 19571 Albury Prima, 19581 Roohdele Prise, 1960; W.D. h O.H. Wills, 1960. The National Gallery of N.S.W. has purchased his work and he has exhibited in Africa and Amerioa. The pro:Joni colleotioa at the Aoreton Galleries is Mr. 3atest first One ;ran Show in Brisbane. Re irk equally at holm with either oil or water colours and has turned in eons most interesting plotures. Subject matter in this Show has a good de:Al of variety as .the paintte is, apart from landscape, very muob attracted by street sooner and 1,:ndaaapas with horses and men. tuoh rapj,-te he handles particularly well, with visor and conviction and his sense of movement 41-4 ,resign is exoelleni, a very fine exempla of this is seen in "Autumn Storm Approaching". Prederio Bates is a pointer who experteente and one from whom we ean expect to see big things in the futures (30th July) THE MT EIHUITIN at the Moreton CiallerimeM11 be the aro* of that very well-known Australian Landsoapa Daimler, Wrr. John ROWEL. I had the pleasure or son. tag week for the Show in his studio at Mornington early in therm'. This is going to be a superb 1shibitiem on, I think the very best he has ever seat to Qaauslantt. NEXT EXHIBITION JOHN ROWELL 30th JULY 1962 Framing . . Valuation . . Fine Prints . . Restoration Oils and Water-colours Phone 24192. JAMES WIENEKE, Proctor. F. Bates' paintings THE exhibition of watercolours and oils by Frederic Bates of the Moreton Galleries looks like on exhibition by a number of different paint- er,. One certainly asks which of the varied modes ex- presses Mr. Bates' personal point of view. The paintings singled out for quoting are all water- colours. "3 a m.-Winter" Is about grey mist pierced by two gre nand blue pools of light andeflected lig ht. Thy painting Is subtly controlled as to design and brushwork, and a mood Is caught. Snowscape "Crackenbeck Thaw" is deancut snowscape painted by a method seemingly camera -exact. but precisely arranged along monumental lines. Horses with and with- out riders in landscapes are a favourite subject In this exhibition. It, is dealt with in manners ranging from rather banal illustration in terms of broad, crudely - coloured masses over silvery - toned paintings with a rococo grace of movement to attempts to tie In horsemen and landscape with an archi- tectinal order deriving from cubism. PAINTER NOT STANDING STILL 111.1,111,LE HAYSOM The Moreton Galleries, AMP Building, Educe,' Street, is presenting oil and water color poini:ass by Frederick Bates. Mr. Bates Is n painter with an impressive record of art awards. They are: Dunlop Prize, 1954; MoNnian prize, 1957; Albury prize. 1958. Roch- dale prize, 1900; W. D. and H. 0. Wills prize. 1960. He Is renref;ented in the National Art Gallery of New South Wales and has exhibited in America and Africa. You are cordially invited to an Exhibition of Paintings by FREDERIC BATES 16-27 JULY 1962 MORETON GALLERIES A.M.P. BUILDING, EDWARD ST, BRISBANE This is his first one man show here. It is evident that the artist has had a sound basic foundation on which to build. He Is not static painter who, finding a safe recipe, Is content to stay put, He appears to be ex- perimenting and although the experiments do not always come off, the re- sults are interesting. In the water colors Crackenback Thaw stands out as a masterly handling of the medium. It has been well conceived and its pattern is pleasing. Green Journey, Haven for Horses, Resting Place and Autumn Shadows also are interesting. In the oils October Snows, Wragge's Corner and Old Riverside Factory, Windsor, appeal. 6 MONTHS ON UTILITY USE OYMPIE: Allan William Thompson, 21, laborer, was sentenced to Jail for six months in Gympie Court yesterday guilty to a charge of having used a uti'lty unlawfully. Sergeant E. McGrath said Thompson, who had been released from jail re- cently, had taken the util- ity troen Bald MIN and driven It to Horumba Dam, where he worked. ednesday, July 18, 1962