Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

CATALO You are cor an EXHIBI' in OIL, WA from the es the late M in THE M( A.M.P. Buil 19th NOVE ART REVIEW - By Dr. Gertrude Langer FRENCH TOUCH IN SMALL OILS 1 EXHIBITED at the M Galleries ore oils, water colours and miniatures by the late Bessie Gibson. Among these the oils are the ones to which one can respond with the most warmth. In these small paintings of quaysides. harbours, market places and gardens, Miss Gibson's butterfly touch and sensitive scribble distilled a perfume of de- cidedly French flavour. IGS MINIATURE Silvery tone Many subtle graduations of muted colours, close in tone, swim together as to create the delightful silver - blonde tone. Her sketchy impressions are quite complete as works of art. Together with an al- most breathable atmosphere, light on the lungs, she .also transmits her gentle lyricism. The same expression as in the landscapes ls found also in a refined little flower - piece and in a portrait in profile. both oils, too. In the portrait the gentle, withdrawn expression of the sitter is in harmony with the soft, understated treat- ment.