Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

lAtT show a refresher RETT'S PAINTINGS IZteFr":111..rtihre.Raubis;r4c, and d, explanation to be I appear periodically at the Moreton .'fil of paintings by the late Tom art and paintings that To say so is not to sug- aonotypes worked. in more miniature- tures under the influence of For greater naturalism he delightfullyd intthiemlnehanda are on the sombre side- ilu 1.e:roe:o:a light and mist. refreshing show cur. [ rently on the walls of the nest that there is no place cork the like detail. Moreton Galleries, in art for "modern""al effects Mg from He did not pose himself painters-far front it-but' 0, as be very individual problems of design and colour and his Garrett knew what he MIS ". a roft i ,..n it, iz les , over ricthhe invite oneiy a.00ut and had both thy Oh glass print which the illusionistic a- n is to suggest that Toii,',, inent and the artistic sell- with the transcend the conventional idyll. fects are obtained, do not essent lid n1.11111(111 equip- sibility to catty out his/orked on deas. roduced in idea of the romantic nature - water colours in the exhi- out and man. with blot- patient and skilful crafts- No doubt, he was a The 20 monotypes and bition are from a private lects Which Fridge" tnt out for "Sussex Street" and "Loa doubtedly come as a sur-' are examples Of collection and will un- Fture tex- prise to many lovers of Garrett at his best. art in this city, First-class .Nowhere is there any- thing garish--some, indeed, but everywhere there is first-class workmanship and evidence of the eye of the true artist, My choice for the blue ribbon of the show is the monotype "Old Walls," though "Forest Pool," and Plower Piece" are masterly of their kind. For the next fortnight, the Moreton Galleries will be a place to go for a breath of .an air of a sweetness and purity that has almost been forgotten in this age of rush, dis- trust, and high-pressure lying. by Dr. Gertrude .as 28Z rAgiummommini