Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

Artist's native games B Frederic Rogers A t is news in Bris-1 bane this week -end. A renowned art collec- tion on exhibition in a city store, a major show by local artist Margaret 011ey at the Johnstone Gallery and a "Spring Exhibition" of Aus art at th Moretontr alia Galln eries are fea- e tures. Margaret 01ley's 51 oils and drawings put her right In the front rank of Australian artists. For long she has been known as a sensitive painter whose work has a genuine feeling for colour, light and form. 3areea Cant it "Wet DaY, Mc'n Tiarn h.% softly wandering SENSITIVITY IN A.MONG the Object paintings in the enfant Spring Vihibition st thATINGse. reton ,Crallerles are noose which are of interest because the real has tri Or. nice GertrUde 1.AliGER hide painter James speaks tenderly of abut St.. Qu°Dgd°'1.4by TArene't:Id Stomne Mowhich has%a aurmve. been transformed by sensitivity the painter. Vldd 1?IgrIg '13Y Ail" nals. Tins tendertiessites .11 touch Women Fishing, bytAdee-y Mons and attitudes There Ina ? ther striking figures but, the lily, itexprUK okdlina very small "Qiurtherenvl.. One may " 5 1:01115111t1C 1101Ver SoCoorre lowvenceit, colour Bu Veirn.,eitti pressed not only, the overstated) NCISI Bay Crooke's qinet lyric_isin (the flowers !peelsbut an and ol botanical slaairacav three larler averoitrel:14301r.a.. and feeling far a c A NI- t _s - Brilliant ' But with the presenta- tion in this show of a , number of nudes of abor- iginal girls, she emerges as a brilliant artist with a great deal to say. "Odette" and lent for the exhibition by the Conunonwealth Gov- ernment and the Art Gal- lery of New South Wales r respectively, are fine L character studies full of ties life and living texture. on With "Zillah," Miss 011ey Les makes an outstanding con- den tribution to Australian art. awa `-- Her models wee,. drawn front aboriginal boatel at West End. Pleasing ti, reminder =1-4'-i'-'- In the Moreton Galleries za...0.0x.... show, chief interest is \focussed on another artist's conception of aboriginal femininity. This is James Wigley's -, Women Fishing." a power- f.ul piece of work that goes much deeper than its title surts enneth MacQueen's 'Buffalo Rock' is another striking piece of work, and John Loxton has produced a thoroughly atmospheric piece in "Drinking Pool." The whole show Is a reminder that has an encour- agingly large number of highly competent artists. hint °contours dreitmilyb hi6 111e 631 w'llensin. Flthrook. with transforms paintino bizii..-,ondm the too ww- aliehrAN' k Wert lht" a a ePee ordinstY titl woos an thing a bee' ' A Canadian collection At Firiney's Auditorium, there is an iew selec- tion of 61 p vaintings from the Mendel collection in Canada. This is not a "classical jcollection, but does include la wide variety of styles in a wide variety of tech- - some 'excellent: niques nme suggesting a tongue- -cheek approach, terns that should at - t generally favourable atom include van en'd ."Les Clahyaux," A . Mare's °P' Emily "ElminViirT.;4 Rd M . ont ' rtufACi 4 ,,,..;- (4,, /- s- barze qe dr J iv.,,,(-- Ai, 0,4z -A 910 1.4-/,/ i,,,(ce,/,_ ..te, I ?-d-ef- 3 Ort ) I:a:el ea A -- , eV,ieFlYtL'`" 41,44 tt tivf --