Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

"THAT. MAN'S MOTHER. IS MY GRANDM6THER7 , r ft" .'14 THREE GENERATIONS one family are in this picture. The por- trait is of well known Sydney journalist Ray Walker. His mother, Mrs. E. Walker of Glen Street, Kelvin Grove, and his daughter Miss Betty Rhae Walker of the same address, are discussing it. 'The portrait painted by William Pigeon ("Wen") won the 195S Archibald Prize. A mother's verdict: "I am proud that it won the Archibald Prise. It cap - Loral a tytical expression and pose. Miss Walker Kr"I think its wonder - The portrait with other Archibald and Wynne Trite entries will remain on display at the Moreton Galleries In the A.M.P. basement until 3 p.m. to- morrow. 40, '3 DRAWINGS 'BY LAMBERT AND WILSON ON SHOW ... The Moreton Galleries offer Drawings by the late GEORGE LAMBERT t1873-1£30) and ERIC WILSON, who died in 11146, liRlq only lir). Lambert, who enjoyed of the full scope tranging great material success in his front the M. -11 to the purely lifetime, was more remark- abstract of this promising able tot his bravura tech- painter. um was not nique and cleverness, which granted time ,.. attain to he directed towards the his fullest potentialities. limited goal of representa- tion, rather than for the prof ounder qualities of creative design and penetra- tion to regions deeper titan surface. While some of these sketches and studies of the figure and of the portrait strike one rather as cold in their academic correctness The gracefully scribbled a,id assurance, one cannot areas have nothing arbi- help admiring the aristo- trary. but are part of a cratic elAtanqe of rendition considered structure, which in others, such as "In The lifts these tiny sketches Strand." The Hunter," or above the commonplace of "Rider and Horse." mere literalness, and one of The collection of small the drawings shows a direr - sketches by Eric Wilson, of Hon towards greater ab- course, does not give an Idea straction. SKETCHBOOK Personal sketchbook ROOD- talons I perhaps intended as material for paintings. 1 though these sketches nee, they reveal a grasp of thr essentials of a landscape or cityscape. Portrait admirers study Illele work Mrs. A. Mansfield (left), and Mrs. P. K. Andrews study Ivor portrait of E. W. Hayward at the Moreton Galleries today. An ex hibition of portrait entrie in the 5rehiliald and Wynne Prizes will continue in the Gillet it till morrow. vs