Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

al111M-11. PAINTING GIFT TO CLUB LOUNGE YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO AN IrillIBITION Of PAINTINGS BY JOHN ROWELL, F.R.S.A. 1 1 th to 22nd JULY 1960 MORETON GALLERIES A.M.P. BUILDING EDWARD STREET BRISBANE vwmml)i)..01711IIIITylepplike,.,-s. s), 411"1"Tiler7Pr k Exhibit of high quality MELVILLE HANSOM John Rowell, one of the top ranking artists who depict the Aus- tralian landscape in a manner readily apprec- iated by most people, is exhibiting oil Paint- ings of high quality at the Moreton Galleiies, A.M.P. Building, Ed- ward Street. The painter is well equipped with brilliant technical skill and great knowledge of his beloved theme, the rendering of sunlight. These enable him to produce sparkling state- ments which strike a re- ceptive chord within those who love and ap- preciate fully this land of ours. He shares his pleasure in the things he has seen. Saplings. In the Hill Country, Pastoral, Mt. Warning from Muria- luMbah, and The Cerulean Sea are typical. The major piece, Sunshine in Spring, though very effective. has not the freshness which appeals so much in the smaller paint- ings. Occasional falter Occasionally the artist falters. ' Generally pleasing on first impact. A Sheltered Bay, after a moment of scrutiny, reveals a vital discrepancy in the planes of the sea. The nearer area ttP- pears to float well above the level of the farther bay. Rather dramatic in - feeling, A Road Through The Mountains gives pleasure. GIFT PAINTING by the leis Mr. W. G. Grant, to be hung in the Johnsonion Club, was viewed by the club's art sub -committee convenor (Dr. G. S. Noyes), right, end pm - bar (Dr. B. B. Barrack) offer they hod selected It at the Moreton Galleries yesterday. The painting was a gift from the artist's son, Mr. G. Grant, a Brisbane en- gineer. Entitled "Casuarinas," the painting was one of an exhibition of 2.5 of the artist's works, which will open at the galleries on Monday. W. G. Grant, who died in 1951 At 75, is recog- nised as one of the State's finest water- colourists. He was a trustee and member of the advisory council qqtt the Queens- land Na onal Art Gal- lery for ' any years. Mr. Morel for I select) paint Wm I G. Grant, and Is Galleries diree.. James Wienekel the, exhibition gs from a c "ec- the artist's estate. ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer JOHN ROWELL'S SHOW JOHN Rowell's one-man show at the Moreton Galleries Is of Australian landscape and seascape, and includes some Queensland scenery. The paintings are factual and competent and hold no surprises. Everything looks quite familiar. There are no glaring mis- takes in either design or colour harmony, because they follow fairly accepted rules. With few exceptions, a harmony of green, orange, :land violet shades is which .sloe a general tone. undergoes variations in in - ',tensity and temperatures from painting to painting. +ty' a. If one gets so little ex- citement from these paint- ings, which are handled often quite freshly, It Is chiefly because they only depict the world wn zirt with our eyes giving it meaning through the important transforma- tion that takes place in en artist's inner world. "Giant Boulders," "Tcea- ing Boats," "From Mt. Buderim," and "Harmony" are among the most interest- ing paintings. , , -1 I .f... ,..f. tr..., ,