Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

211111611hi74.1411w cre G. K. TOWNSHEND 8th to 19th AUGUST 1960 MORETON GALLERIES A.M.P. BUILDING EDWARD STREET BRISBANE " 9411"' -341r`"71fru'i 1 - " LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS by GEORGE LAWRENCE - . ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Lititger 6. K. TOWNSHEND'S SHOW WELL-KNOWN water colourial G. K. Townshend " Is holding skshow of recent work at the More- ton Galleries. Compared with his last . show here, quality is main- tained much more evenly throughout. Theo& the approach to landscape Is traditional and objective, the results are by no, means tilt: ale' The fluid and assured technique has breadth and delicacy, there Is great at- tention to ratified colours and to "valeUrs" and a mature sense of scale and balance. Serene and agitated nature moods are handled with equal skill and feeling. Foliage and atmosphere have a softness that recalls Corot in "Curl Curl" 'no. 17.) and "Narrabeen indscape," while the ghost ut old Jacob Ruisdael lurks in the dram - 'Orally handled "Old Fence." "Coastal Southerly", "At Curl Curl", "Clouds Over Tha 1J11111s", and "The Lagadn" are among the max luminous and beauti- fully handled paintings here. There is also some evidence of experimenting with new methods Inspired by abstract impressionism. The expressive calligraphy andi vivid dabs used fqr leaves shaken by moon; are interesting in th ,msetves and transcend the paw* of immediate representation. This can he said, too, about the delicate textures express - Mg leafage In "The Blue Door". LAW ENCE IS STIMU A stiinaletpg collection of of colors and draWings is being shown" Galleries, AMP Building, Edward Street It is by George Lawrence, a top-ranking Australian landscape ar- tist. Technically proficient and endowed with certain Pai9tings high h s Yatini G. Tparnaltead, a capable 'Olater . colorist, cajilhltins isalni- Inas theMiseloo Galleries. AMP Build- ing. EsIlvard Street. The Chow is of fairly even quality, with a highlight here and there. Here are some sound Pieces of high merit: Head of the Bay. Lake Macquarie: Beach. New- port: a Narrabeen land- scape; Lowlands. South Coast: Morning, Mona Vale; Landscape at Warrlewood; and Into Use Wind. The Pink Barn and Hay hurls are attractive. poetic aPPreeli.- he has produced many fine ,+ pieces with interestine textures supported by well considered color re,-, action. ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer George Lawrence's paintings THERE is silthilkIn on artist's recognition of where his real atrenith'101:nd in making a choice. George Lawrence, in in the way they are avoiding certain conflicting paintings of the attitudes evident in his last pres.sionists and of Utr show here, presents us now who are still Lawrence with a collection of land- mentors. scope paintings at the More- Lawrence's "painting cul- ton Galleries which is con- tore" is quite considerable sistently based on his ex- now, indeed. "New England perience of the world in Landscape" is a very excel - terms of sparkling colour. lent piece of painting, warm Whether he paints old and vibrant In feeling, rich houses, landscape or sea- and refineZ in colour modu- scape, his enjoyment of latlon and opposition. colour for colour's sake Other paintings offering and of rich paint texture enjoyment are "Culburra," for texture's sake Is cam- "Lavender Bay," "Night munleated immediately to Scene, George Street," and the spectator. some smaller oils, such RS His surfaces are more "Landscape at Carringbar" than rich, They are sensuous and "Lone House, Glebe," - ,_(1011111G- i 4 n's, water Ale Moreton dr:gland Land - la a fine piece. rive h the t, Snow at nd. ark, Lane Cove IghaPtMCDelenend5r, Ge0Kurrite- Street and the major works, lavender and Culho i'a. arep Str unb l's 'I .1 14' Re striking with its.' nerspectiv balance. d' In For street; Hurry e reds have been' tIsfattelly used, Sattirdayo AfteM carries wel' and KUM! `Tewkesbury. Glouces shire. Coastal Squall a Afternoon Landscape d play attractive quallti 11 ..I I. 1 ,1,,1 Slfeet I ' 1.11,..0 re % our 11, r',111,1. II)ItE-N RAN 1'111T) 1:1...111ita; I,. 1.4W111.:Nr1:. roel iit hi, 1()()(1 I.:1111111TH) )1 I' 41\11 \ ;s 1111.'. 110111 III\ I, tI.I.Elill?N 11 al 8 p.m. Ile 11,,,10 .11 .111 14111 11111, .1111111 Itv Moot- 2 4192 hfy itt Li. tl