Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

of smolt exception. art. There highligh is Here ft! In tho the late Keane'- que n, Quiet Creek a ea and Sand. the foliose'. is uy far the bdtter effort. Max. 4Aglesiteelite- seated bk stron Water- colors dealing with 'his usual theme. Sir Lionel Lindsay's Fountain in Segotia- an. Indian Gateways ...are typical, Rex B Austral, se's Central ample, good ex- AS:Tch is to be found the,..elements of NaMatj irs'a- Inspiration. Winifred Towers, Arthur Mulch and Roland Wakelin show average renderings. Breezy mood of nature Full T. - Jackson, tete John' ti zy Mat Builder: Y :',James a ure w's - ther tt, Landscape, dry brush has an effect t of graphic ART REVII" vDr. Gertrude LAGER arre as op' display THe late Torni4arrint, < whom have i/hoped at vital tired @slam is agaii% or the sten Jelled's 1,1 a gyration of of which ..wet exhibited 11 contains a nt- gs which seal be ve Garrett's age. ere is a mou ere the main landscape are t - ily counterbal ting and s; there .is n into a misty, tance, the whole sur ate par- es in a unified 'ffeIlign. There are two ingest In- ners opening , into lystie" lights. *te and ood being errl asis ,V the small lit quire. Then- is k brood.: rig seascape . bining readth with arrett's technical IntricneleS. There la a green glade In white ghtwhich has a .lyrical harm. An experiment Garrett's approaCh is In the vein of th*rtnintIC chool of paint - the st century wh as con - teemed with the. made of nature Ale Ar- cadia of their owking He experimented with opaque and transparent watercolour and monotype, achieving minute realistic effects for foliage, bark, rocks, and light -suffused atmosphere, In his con- cern for texture produced by every trick of tech. Mime, he has certain af- finity with contemporary explorations of media. But while a good deal of is work produced results hat seem more . fussy than a i thetic or Mean- ingful. ere are0 some works thla ICS Jhus it the sow Where the means. Ith4;-..- Won'. of paintings, , ries present u pot-pourri my name j the i Own t HOW ST ter bY, the- te W: C. Grant' rounds off the show, - MELVI HAYSOM. - -- PNIY110 aitig) fivd ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Linger Works:.of. Ablellm at the'Moreton Galleries comp iteif by 15 painters. r7.4nature in terms of imagine- ,. ,''tiva and decorative designs, i... r' - which yet okpture an essence traiture, characten*Oo the f o the scene mplated. Meldnim Sehoel.:' Its chief . attraction is in the assured, Robert Cain 'iv "Bath - broad handling ers" and "A china Storm" have of a light, airy tou :and deli- cate lyrical feeling.", Two water colour by Max [Lukas on the other hand, appear somewhat heavily handled. THE preset, "Honey," :b Inson, is a objective c Two luminous and decor- atively designed landscapes by Roland Wakelin stand tau . when compared with an undistinguished "High 'l'ide" by Jackson and. a. rather chalky March Of w , work by Townshend's "River Bank the late' s' McQueen Camp" is more a successful and by krnpbell are realisation of light and air the moe, 's ying here. -suffused volumes of leaf- :,1?. .1. McQueen'. "Qiiiet Creek" is age than a realisation tin ' * . a fine example of this ,paint- the modern sense) of a total . er's ability to re-create effect, BE SIION11 TOM WateteOloneby Tom Garrett Moreton (ii' S1 g ore maim unframed. .. fers an *per - procure an examf f this most lyrical and proficient ex- ponent of the medium. The Paintin s shave crystallised all ,peetic charm of a pa de. The very per h- nierne of the has pr. uced some terest- f.effects. i-Alitre are so if es for 'attention: trrnoon, Last Gleams i ch. Is rather Turned Soli- tude. Picnic. The'rStream, Camp, Dusk, Commerce. The Glade. Old Walls shows to perfection the painter's superb technique in pre- senting textures. Old Lane -Is satisfying. while Homewards g - I \ 11114II I 511 )k I I ( (, \ I I I kll s I nel, 19111 September, a -mall of 22 f late Inl \ 11 ill evItikiled al lite MI/M.:TON 11.1.HilKS hir ill i) "lot'"1"tir" 111m '\ a /.1 arliA's Inter 1...1:1,1(1 NI, mot e\labilial for Illy fir,.1 lime in September Iwo Phone 2 41'12 1 51.P. I (In dril Street. 111