Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

ilIGH QUALITY' tXHIBITION rie, without ermitting them to ion t ee p hit current show at the Moreton Galleries, AM.P. Minding, Edw rd Street. This is Graerne in:tou s :econd Brisbane exhibi- tion of oil paintings. Ills drawing sound, Ana his grafts- manship, of the highest -quality. with excelent eontrol of his brush and medium, he has produced some :'.: most attractive pieces.; These are not the re- sult of accident, but are the products ' of know- ledge and 1i:esthetic ap- preciation.: Samovar, Oriental Still Life. Shod IsiV,At Cool -r''., angatta are lwitutifully handled plege% 4. ...OtttegiIlltftific. definite appwildrere Rated to Mud- Perou7.pwa BUffelith Surfers, 8prl bane, and Clatewa ivta All Hallows. Br e. MELS I1.1.1: 1111 SOM Graeme Inson, o talented painter who has le n full advantage of Meidrum's smo er,tpersonal expression, proves this of ristmas paintings MELVILLE HAVSOM. The Christmas exhi- bition of oil and water color paintings on view at the Moreton Galleries, AMP Build- ing. Edward Street. consists of small works by noted traditional- ists, leavened occasion- ally with pieces bearing names not so well known. Betty Gibson, G. K. Townshend, Kenneth Mc- H. Woodward Smith. Albert Namatjlra, Huber's, Bennett, James Jackson. Max Ragless, John Eldershaw, Lionel Lindsay, George Law- rence. John Santry and Arnold Shord are repre- sented by typical examples. L. Sands, in Williams- town, Victoria, and Yachts, despite great attention to detail, has achieved a feeling of lively movement. The intelligent use of texture makes Clarrie Ventilor's Valley Farm Rouse 1- eating. L no dlffqtn liect ' "5th nee Mr. Li n Cording to Meldr trine, which Muting is the sciente since the me queathed to his foolproof recipe l) Ae. tYle Ir1sc)4 Moreton:94laleS pea, and tellkiii*Pes the products of a anical technique rouse vie response in the :treus of the spec- ;,..,personallty, this ek, no matter for ther. anise said about et,., is only an eye, 4 warn 'also compelled to roe R. add, !tut what an eye I" s be. '. We may not add those, last pies a -words wherb Mr. 1,13A0rt is how it 'concerned as his Vision Is done, all .n not impersonal, and discoverswonder at the 'results of a only what everyone may. see vision in which neither the when just recording a heart nor the millet of the superficial Impression with individ has a MI. blinking eyes, ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer PAINTINGS OF SEVERAL ARTISTS IN EXHIBITION THERE is a mixed offering, mainly celled from preview. exhibitions, in the Christmas exhibition of oil paintings end wets, colours at the Marston Galleries. It includes paintings by "Old Church, Redfern," by Bessie Gibson, Arnold Shore, George Lawrence is not George Lawrence, John among his most successful Santry, Albert NamatBra, 0. work. The incongruities of K. Townshend. Max Ragless, its structure and the partly and James Jackson. "bitty" handling fail to Subject and expression communicate an underlying coalesce in "Dry Weather," Idea or feeling. by Arnold Shore: The very matter of the paint, the handling of the dry heavy impasto becomes a symbol John Santry's "Afternoon for the parched tortured Landscape" Is not "uncom- vegetation and the shimmer- posed" and glows with rich- ing heat. nets of colour and light Bennie Glbson's "Morn- (conceived as one): if it In In the Market" and does not hold the interest for "Quayside, Southern long, it is because it just France," have the sqt, de- misses in that inexplicable 'late charm of hs best thing-the magic of person- work, silty. Colour, light The Director of THE MORETON GALLERIES invites you to visit THE CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION of OIL PAINTINGS AND WATERCOLOURS from 12th to 31st December 1960 Phone 2 4192 Moreton tialletio pawident Filvard Street Brisbane k>04_18inc FACE TO FACE with his own portroit yesterday win Mr. Justice Wenstell, who was examining the paintings after officially opining on inhibition of works by Grooms Innen at the M JUDGE sErc Hu 0E VOt FRAMED sus 'ng et as re, n, ek- he Cr the S. nip live