Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer Mixed show of paintings THE Moreton Galleries have reopened after the holiday break with their customary mixed show. Of painters not showing before in this gallery, we note Clifton Pugh and Ray Crooke, each represented with one small oil. In Pugh's "Apostle Birds," the sinister, steep. pyramidal architecture of black birds gives out more poetical feel- ing than most other paint- ings here. Dignity Ray Crooke evokes the spirit of Grandma Moses in his very simply stated "Aus- tralian Landscape.' In "Rose Bay Convent," Roland Wakelin has handled an evening mood with two figures with a sort of classi- cal dignity and breadth, which bypasses the senti- mrtality into which such a subject might have easily d. 41 weak sentimental appeal is all that is left in "Girl with Rabbit" by Arthur Murch with its poorly re- lated colours and forms. Of two small oils by G. F. Lawrence we prefer "Mrs. t Reley's Cottage' to "Street in Kiama," where ,no many bright colours cancel out each other: but there is nothing really unique about either. In a set of neatly handled factual water colours, which include Sir Lionel Lindsay, G. K. Townehend, and F. McNamara, we single out the latter's "Entrance to Tweed River." If it were a matter of choice, one would prefer the control in these and a few oils to the superficial and undisciplined splashes of A. Hansen s "King's Cross," which does not express any uncommon experience either, WELL CHOSEN, ART DISPLAY Th. Moreton Galleries in Edward Sheet hos opened its 1961 series of art exhibitions with a well chosen summer show of paintings by prominent Australian artists. Spanish Town and Rialto Bridge are typical sunny works by Sir Lionel 'Lindsay. Other typical up to standard paintings are: Rubery Bennett's Spring Morn- ing, Arthur Murch's Girl and Rabbit, Alan Baker's Gordonlers and George TOwnshend's Narrabeen and Sailing Afternoon, Robert Johnston. an excellent craftsman, has MOdueed in The Sydney °bast a most outstand- ing example In Its par- ticular field of approach. Beautifully handled with a minimum of effort and a fine ap- preciation of tonal re- lationships together with fine color, it can be regarded as one of the artist's best works. The late Kenneth Macqueen's Dead Box Is striking. Apostle Birds by finch, Roland Wakelin's South Coast Landscape, George Lawrence's Mrs. Reihv's Cottage, Hunter's Hill and James Jackson's Lake at Toukley and Beauty Point attract at- tention. Other painters repre- sented are: R. Crook, H. Hanke, Allan Hausen and Frank MacNamara.- MELVILLE HAYSOM ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer Top quality PRINTS on show in Brisbane IT Is easy to be snobbish about colour reproduc- tions. Nobody would pretend they are a perfect substitute for the originals from which they are taken. However, in places where for one week at the More - the originals are inacces- ton Galleries of inspecting -Bible they are a simple an exhibition of prints of "MUST." the hest quality, many of . Not only do they offer the which have not been only opoortunity of becom- shown In Brisbane before. Ing acquainted with the art The collection includes of the world, but to hang a examples of the French really good mint on the School from impressionism wall of one's home need not to contemporary net. to be scoffed at either. whether the nurse is big or small. Also. print collections car- To quote some from the taint,/ must have a place collection: in art galleries. schools, and Four Von Gogh land. other institutions. escapes. including a superbly Concerning the reoroduc- reproduced water colour Eton of water colours and drawing. drawings, where the differ- One example each of ence between background Plcasso's blue, roma, and awl end pigment hardly sets a cubist periods. Problem. only close scrutiny Two Modiglianis, will reveal the difference, Two Chagalls. As to oils, modern tech- A still life by Matisse. ninue has made such strides A still life by Braque. that it often reaches a very A wonderfully repro - hid) degree of accuracy to duced powerful winter land - colour -tone and hue, brush- scene by Vlaminck. mark and texture. A charming Bonnard. Art layers and students Two kitchen still lifee it may avail themsel,,es of in water colour by Bernard the importunity offering Buffet, 4 Van Goghs 1,4 A N EXHIBITION of BEAUTIFUL NEW COLOUR PRINTS from works of the famous Masters of IMPRESSIONISM to CONTEMPORARY PAINTING opening at the MORETON GALLERIES Monday 27th Feb. - - - to 11th March 1961 * * * Following 'the exhibition of these superb Colour Prints, SAMUEL FULLBROOK'S paintings will be on view at the Moreton Galleries from 13th March. This painter is one of the most gifted younger artists working in Australia today and Art lovers visiting the Exhibition should find this collection a very interesting show, for Mr.Fullbrook has a highly individual approach to the art of painting landscape and figure. A.M.P. Building, Edward Street, Brisbane. 1 ..-T=ougme Phone: 2-4192 a._